[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

I looked down at my glowing self as everything begun to get dark again. Tears cascaded and I watched them fall into the sea and into my hand. Why am I feeling so sad when I was not affected with what I just saw? This makes no sense at all! I have to find out why!

"Hey! You!" I heard a masculine voice, strongly calling me from the other end. "You're Leena, right?!"


"Wake up!" He shouted and pulled me back to reality. It was cold and blurry when I opened my eyes. Someone is shaking my body and that someone is protecting my eyes from the glare of the ceiling light.

"Who...?" I muttered subconsciously, feeling something cold trickle on my face. "Who are you?"

He let go of my shoulders and I felt a strong thud when my back hit the backrest of the sofa. The blur in my eyes dispersed. "What the-?"

"I woke you up because you were crying and you're so noisy!" He complained, looking the other way around and crossing his arms to his front. I took a good look at him and he seemed really displeased with me.

I looked around us and there were no one else, and upon looking at the window far behind this man, it has already gotten dark. "What happened? Where are the others?"

"They went somewhere. You were sleeping for so long," he said, finally deciding to face me when talking. He walked forward to close the unnecessary space between us, bending forward to talk to me face to face, closing even the comfortable talking space for me. I shut my eyes hard, blushing hard as well.

Then, I felt a strong grip from the top of my head. "Hey! Don't get too red and look me in the eye," he ordered. "I'm not going to do anything weird to you."

I obeyed in fear and curiosity. I wanted to see how he looked at me. And when I opened my eyes, I felt a strong shiver run down my spine. He was pouting at me, but he doesn't look too scary. Actually, he puts an expression that makes me want to look at him even more. "..."

"Seriously, what is wrong with your head?" He said, tilting his head to look in a different angle, tilting my head to the other direction. Then, he stopped. "Even if you really forgot your memories, why would you suddenly barge into trouble to protect someone you don't know?" He moved back, giving me space to reply.

I looked down instead, ashamed of my weakness. "I was too confident that I can be of help to her. It's natural for me to help people when I can." I looked back up and then looked away. "I was someone like a defender in our village. I beat up thieves and they make me their hero. I was too confident that I can settle the battle with the blonde girl's attackers, but they are far stronger than those from my home village."

Then, I unconsciously glared at him. "Are you the type of man that look down on women?" I stood up without knowing it in an attempt to tower over him to overcome my strange feelings although I am just being unreasonable. "Tell me! Do I look weak to you because I put up a challenge and got beaten?"

"Hold on. I have nothing against you," he said, gesturing me to lay low and relax. I sense a bit of confusion on his voice, not entirely sure that he can handle the situation. I felt like I have the upper hand and let it up to my ego.

"I challenge you to a fight!" I pointed a strong finger on him, glaring at him until now. "It's a one-on-one fight! Let's see who will win and who will los-"

"Ugh...!" I felt pain pierce through my body. What was that?! No! I fell to the ground, knees first. It can't be that I have no strength!

"Geez..." I heard him mutter before he lifted me, carrying me back to the sofa, holding me beneath my armpits like a child. "You have guts to challenge me right after bullets were pulled off your body. I like you." He smirked. "We fight once you get all healed."

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