Just Luck: Daxam Four fanfic

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Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El/Supergirl and Karie Danvers/Karee Zor-El/Superwoman

"He played me, he toyed with me until he knew he could get a good shot. He broke me!" -Kara

"I knew we couldn't trust them, Mother always told me, they would do anything to beat us! Even play with our hearts" -Karie

Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

"There's one thing you need to know about me, I genuinely hate it when someone hurts someone I care about, so you can expect I will stick 10 arrows in this guy" -Oliver

Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash

"I told you, just call for me, and I'd be there in a flash" -Barry

Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary

"I died, twice. It's no secret Death and I are friendly with one another, I'd be glad to send him a present" -Sara

Chris Wood as Mon-El of Daxam/The Heart Toyer

"I only did what I had to do for my people" -Mon-el

Teri Hatcher as Queen Rhea/Queen Of Diamonds

"My son knows his role, and even if he didn't, do you really think I would let him love you?" -Rhea

Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers

"They were so young when they came to earth, they were still so innocent, I fought to keep that innocence. Now it's been ruined by him" Alex

Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott/Ace

"They are my family, and family sticks together" -Winn

Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen/The Gaurdian

"We trusted him, he was our friend, how else are we supposed to react?" -James

Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor/Checkmate

"You wanna cheat? Well, we can cheat" -Lena

Willa Holland as Thea Queen-Merlyn/Speedy

"Can I say how adorably scary this all is?" -Thea

Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe

"Rain a little hell?" -Cisco

Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost

"2 heads are better than 1" -Cait

Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak/Overwatch

"You can't tell me you actually think we wouldn't come" -Felicity


There are more characters, but I think if you are reading this you already know them.... thanks WritersBlock039 for giving me permission to write this and making me give up Karamel and Olicity for SuperArrow...

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