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"My son, you must go to bed" The brunette queen told her young son as she prepared for what she always feared. "Come now"
"Can't I stay awake longer?" Young Mon-el begged.
"No, tonight I tell you the story of why we fear Krypton" Rhea said. Her son perked up and rushed to his bed, climbing under his covers and waiting for his mother. "Alright, this story has dated back far before the war, before my time. We have feared our neighbors for quite some time now"
"Please just tell the story" Mon-el pleaded, Rhea chuckled.
"Alright. When Krypton and Daxam first became aware of each other, a prophecy appeared. It fuelled the hatred Daxam has had for Krypton. The reign of Daxam shall end at the hands of the last daughters of Krypton and the last survivor of hell with the aid of the son of speed and the woman twice dead." Rhea explained. "We have always feared Krypton for the sake of our people, it was why we raged war on them, why we attempted to erase their race from existance"
     "What would happen if the prophecy came true?" Mon-el asked.
     "It could mean the destruction of our race.."
     The words his mother spoke, etched themselves into Mon-el's head, he started to fear it would come true in his lifetime. It became even more feared when the remains of Krypton showered his home. He promised, no he vowed, to ensure the safety of his people. Even if it meant betraying the trust he earned on earth.


Sooooo.... a fanfic about a fanfic.... how about that huh? Anywho... special thanks to WritersBlock039 for allowing me to write a fanfic about her fanfic.. as you can probably tell by the cast list that in this Kara has a Twin who is angry. I wanted to do both SuperArrow and SuperFlash, what better way than to have a superwoman? Anywho! Shall we start?

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