FIVE| Salvage

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After looking around for at least an hour, on top of what you had already found Yoongi had hauled pieces of wood and you had found one more trunk of your items. After the two of you heaved it on board, It really began weighing down the not super sturdy raft, so Yoongi decided to go back to shore and told you that maybe he could come back again after the first night. Alone.

You sighed in sadness when you realized you had lost the necklace your father had given you.

"Now what's wrong?" Yoongi asked after beginning to paddle away.

"Well I lost my necklace," You admitted, feeling even more saddened as you voiced your sorrow.

"So? Do you know how many things I lost?"

"It was special to me though," You protested, laying down among the parts of the sail. 

Yoongi only rolled his eyes at your childishness and was about to go back to ignoring you, but froze when he saw something moving among the waves.

"(Y/N)." He spoke clearly, trying to not sound panicked.

"What?" You snapped, not wanting to talk to him after his lack of sympathy. You looked up and found your heart dropping, you letting loose a cry of fear and jumping over some planks of wood to barrel into Yoongi's arms as you saw the fin's in the water, surrounding the raft as if a movie.

You still didn't know why you tended to go to him when you were scared. You really had just met him. It must have been a sort of subconscious thing that had begun occurring when you found out he had saved your life.

"A-Are those," You stammered, clutching onto Yoongi's shirt, "Sharks?!"

Yoongi was very fed up with your screaming and clutching to him, but somehow subconsciously found his arm wrapping around you as the danger became surreal to him. You shook in his grasp and listened to his fast paced heart beat.

"Just don't move," He told you, not pushing you away like you thought he might. 

"Do you know anything about sharks?" You asked, looking up at him hopefully.

"No." He didn't look back, "You?"


"OK well..." He used his other hand to run his fingers through his hair and cursed under his breath, "We might be here for awhile so..."


He seemed to snap back to reality then when he heard your wavering voice resonating next to his chest, your fingers gripping the hem of his slightly ripped shirt. Yoongi was unused to touch, especially from a girl, yet in the last 24 hours you seemed to be trying to pull him out of such familiar tendencies. You had already completely broken down all barriers of personal space.

"So let go."

Supposing he was probably right, while keeping an eye on the moving grey fins surrounding the raft you slowly unclentched your hand from Yoongi's shirt, leaving it quite wrinkled. You paused as you felt his arm still around you and looked up to shoot him a glare.

"You let go!"

"I was waiting for you to let go first!"

"That's so contradictory!"

"You're the one who jumped onto me first you crazy rich girl!" 

Yoongi used bickering to hide his fear and his red face, it admittedly becoming pretty distracting. You ended up getting so caught up in going at it with each other that you didn't even notice the danger departing. Maybe even the sharks didn't want to hear you screaming at each other and had decided to leave.

"Why do you have to get so mad at me about EVERYTHING!" You yelled, pointing a finger at his chest, "I was trying to befriend you after I figured out you saved me, but you act like you wish you had left me to die!"

Yoongi brushed your finger away with a glare.

"You act like we're buddies after you TACKLED and tried to STRANGLE me on my own boat! I don't even want to hear it!"

You had had enough of him and was about ready to fling yourself over the raft to get eaten by the sharks.

"I hate you so much," You hissed.

"Feelings mutual."

You let out a sound of anger and moved to sit as far away from him as possible, trying to forget how safe you secretly felt when he was around. You didn't need him. 

It was then that you noticed that the sharks weren't even there anymore, and Yoongi seemed to notice as well as he grumbled incoherent things under his breath and began rowing again.

It was a silent ride back to the beach due to the fact that the two of you didn't really want to say anything else to each other. You figured if you said anything, no matter what it was, Yoongi would turn it into another bitter argument so you kept your mouth shut.

When the raft finally made it make to shore, you hopped out while Yoongi pulled it safely onto the beach before immediately taking off towards the jungle again.

"Now where are you going?!" You asked, following him once again.

"Can a man not even pee in peace anymore?!" He called up to the sky, angrily directing his indirect comments towards you as he stomped away, you now stopping upon hearing where he was going and blushing angrily as you sat down on the beach. It was then that you made the decision that you no longer wanted to have anything to do with the man anymore and that you didn't need him at all to survive.

You would do just fine on your own.

And with that thought, you grabbed your things from the raft along with some of the pieces of sail and began dragging it to your own space on the island, as far away from Yoongi as possible. 

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