T'Challa - Shield - Part 5

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We raced through the corridors, my hands fumbling with the knife. I did not want to hurt Bucky, I could never do that to Steve, but I knew in this state Bucky could kill. 

Natasha pulled me up a stairwell, and we crouched down beside a glass panel. I watched Tony intently as he hid behind one of the pillars below.

"We're in position." Natasha murmured into her radio. 

I watched as Tony's hand became encased with the iron man glove. Bucky had entered the other side of the room, and was stalking towards where Tony was hiding. There was a dark shadow overcast in his eyes; this wasn't Bucky anymore. This was the Winter Soldier.

He ducked as Tony rushed towards him, easily missing the blast from Tony's gun. 

"Come on." Natasha grabbed my hand, and we ran at the glass panel. I closed my eyes to avoid the shatters of glass penetrating my eyes. I tensed as I landed onto the floor, quickly rolling off my shoulder and onto my feet. 

My feet carried me to Bucky, who was still facing Tony. I leaped onto his shoulders, making him stumble. I attempted to block out his air supply, but he was too strong. 

He slammed me down onto one of the table, his hand squeezing my throat as if it was nothing. 

"You could at least recognize me." I muttered, my voice faltering from the lack of air.

Just as my sight began to blur, something pushed Bucky from on top of me, and I gulped the air greedily. 

My eyes widened at the sight of T'Challa in his suit. It felt different now, now that I knew he was the one wearing it. 

I got up from the table, running at Bucky again. I wrapped my legs around his neck again.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" T'Challa exclaimed. 

"Quickly!" I shouted. 

T'Challa finally understood, kicking fast at Bucky, making him stumble. The following punches made Bucky fall to the ground, me with him. 

The fall made all of the oxygen leave my body.  Bucky seemed unfazed, as he sprinted to the nearest stairwell, Natasha and Tony in quick pursuit. 

A hand gently wrapped around my arm, pulling me to my feet.

"Are you okay?" T'Challa asked softly. 

"Yeah." I replied, though my voice was shaky. 

His hand gently rubbed my back, helping me to take in the air. 

"Come on." I murmured, leaving his grasp and running towards the stairs. 

T'Challa's touch lingered on my skin, making me feel warm. Nobody had ever made me feel like this. It was foreign to me, and I just wanted to run away from it. I wasn't sure how I felt, and that scared me the most.

QUick chapter im sorry it is so short YiKEs.

im a two / thirds through my exams and i have about 6 to go and i feel like death. 

honestly exams make me feel like crap and especially the pressure from teachers, college applications and just passing these exams are stressing me so much :)

also i really dont want to leave school at the end of the week? Like my school has literally become my second home and all the teachers are so supportive and nice? i officially leave at the end of the week forever which is great because i have a really long summer and stress from exams is slowly killing me but i dont want to leave at the same time? lmao that probably makes no sense

i wrote this really quickly in a study break lol sorry its so bad but i literally am running on 4 hours of sleep rn and ive had such a long ass day of two exams and study/revision sessions that i want to crY


i hope you are all well and if you have exams they are going well :) sorrrY for ranting but that actually felt good to write


(not edited)

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