Erik - My Queen - Part 3

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I left Erik's cell feeling sick and confused. How could he seem so nice and understanding, yet kill so many?

"Morowa." I was pulled out of my daze by T'Challa.

He looked pale and worried.

"Did he hurt you?"

I could feel tears well up in my eyes. How could I tell my brother was Erik was planning? I had to.

"No, brother. He wants the throne."

A few days later.....

I stood behind my brother, just as I had done so when Erik had first arrived. Shuri stood beside me, her eyes closed and her eyebrows frowning.

"It'll be okay." I whispered, and she opened her eyes, smiling weakly.

"I am afraid for us Morowa. I am afraid for Wakanda. But most importantly, I am worried for you." She whispered back.

"Why me?"

She hesitated. "I visited Erik. He seems to be infatuated with you. He said-"

She was cut off by Okoye entering the room. We stood straight, with serious expressions on our faces.

"Enter the prisoner." She spoke clearly, hitting her staff against the ground.

Two more warriors entered, with Erik in the middle. His eyes roamed the room, before landing on me.

I could feel my heart pump faster. What was happening to me?

They walked forward, until he stood in front of T'Challa.

"The council has discussed." T'Challa began.

Erik finally broke his gaze and looked at T'Challa.

"Tell us what is going on. Speak."

Erik moved forward, Okoye's eyes never leaving Erik.

"I am standing in your house," Erik began. "Serving justice to a man who stole your vinbranium and murdered your people. Justice your King couldn't deliver."

T'Challa stood, and Shuri grabbed my hand. I took it and squeezed it tightly.

"I don't care that you brought Klaue. The only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are. Now, what do you want?" T'Challa's voice thundered around the room.

"I want the throne."

The whole room began to mutter, some even laugh. I kept my emotion off of my face. I knew Erik wasn't lying or joking.

"Y'all sittin' up here comfortable." Erik growled. "Must feel good. It's about 2 billion people all over the world that look like us. But their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all. And what tools are those? Vibranium. Your weapons."

"Our weapons will not be used to rage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge, jury and executioner for people who are not our own." T'Challa replied.

"Not your own? But didn't life start here on this continent? So ain't all people your people?"

"I am the King of Wakanda. And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you."

Erik paused, before pointing at me.

"What about Morowa? She is not Wakandan by birth. Do you not care for her, as you do for your people?"

Ramonda gasped, as T'Challa growled forward, Erik taking a step back.

"Do not bring Morowa into this if you want to live."

Even though I was glad and grateful of T'Challa standing up for me, Erik's words stuck under my skin.

I knew that I wasn't Wakandan, but was Erik right? T'Challa had just stated he only cared for his own. Did that even include me?

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