Erik - My Queen

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"My brother." 

I pulled my arms into the Wakanda sign.

He chuckled as Shuri copied my actions at the same time. 

"My sisters."

My heart still ached as he spoke. His eyes met mine; he knew it was hard for me still, as I was not a true royal. I had been found as a child by the border, with no name or identity. I had been passed through the tribes, at each given a new name, until I stayed permanently with T'Chaka, the King of them all.

We stood behind our brother, now serious. We were not called here for anything good; an outsider had burst into our kingdom. 

He had killed Klaw.

The door slammed open as Okoye pushed the intruder into the room. Shuri grabbed my hand for a second, before letting go. 

"I am here for the throne." He growled as he stalked forward. His eyes grazed the room, smirking as he reached T'Challa. 

He looked up, at Shuri. 

"A family reunion, great." He muttered under his breath, and my heart began to thump. 

Just how much did he know about us?

My mind must have wandered, as I was pulled back into reality when the intruder pointed at T'Challa, his voice laced with venom. 

"You, you sit in my place. I am the true king!"

"Do not speak to the King like that!" I found myself shouting, and his eyes bore into my own.

He smirked slightly. 

"You must be Morowa. Yeah, I know who you are sweetheart."

My blood froze as he crept forward. T'Challa stood, moving his hand to protect me.

"The outsider, the freak. I'm just the same as you. Yet, I am a true royal, a true Wakandan, and I will become King."

Half the room gasped as Shuri pushed me behind her. 

"Morowa is more Wakandan than you will ever be!" Ramonda exclaimed.

I couldn't help but smile at her words. I would most likely never know my true parentage, but I was grateful to have been raised by a woman such as Ramonda. 

A few moments passed and Okoye forcefully took the man from the room. I guessed T'Challa had continued to speak to him, as once the man had left he was bombarded with multiple questions. 

I had my own.

Who was this man, and how did he know who I was?

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