Erik - My Queen - Part 4

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"Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long." Ramonda stood from her seat, a disgusted look on her face. "Reject his request."

"Oh, I ain't requesting anything." Erik spoke back. His voice was unusually calm, making me worried. "Ask who I am?"

"You're Erik Stevens. An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That's who you are." Shuri spoke quietly, drawing everyone's attention.

Erik smiled coldly at her.

"That's not my name Princess. Ask me, King."

"No." T'Challa turned away.

"Ask me. "He repeated.

T'Challa waved his hand, alerting the guards to take him away. I couldn't help myself.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Ramonda glared at me, while Erik smirked.

"I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu."

His voice rang out loud and clear, and I felt my eyes widen.

Shuri let go of my hand.

"You're lying!" Someone shouted, but I wasn't focusing on who it was.

"I'm afraid not. As the descendant of N'Jobu, I'm exercising my right to challenge for the mantles of King."


"As the son of Prince N'Jobu, he is within his rights." The Border Tribe Elder sighed.

"He has no rights here!" Ramonda replied. "The challenge will takes weeks to prepare."

As the events unfurled in front of me, I glanced at T'Challa. He was sitting in his seat again, looking deep in thought.

"Weeks? I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be there. I just need him. And somebody to get me outta these chains." Erik stated, looking at me still.

T'Challa stood, his face void of emotion.

"I accept your challenge."


It had been a couple of hours since the ordeal at the meeting. I did not know how to feel. T'Challa had been my brother since I was five, yet Erik, he was something different. I felt connected to him somehow. I felt like we were similar in a way; we were both lonely and hurt.

I loved my family of course, but I felt like an outsider ever since I could remember. They all had special traits; they were all connected through their blood. I was something different, and no matter how much Shuri or T'Challa would tell me they loved me like another sibling, I couldn't believe it. 

I sat in my room alone, just thinking. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."  I  mumbled, as I watched the rain dribble down the window. 

"How are you, sister?" Shuri sat beside me.

I was a couple years older than her, but she was always there for me.

"I feel conflicted about the whole situation." I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Morowa. I love you like a sister." She stared at the floor, pausing. "But I know you are hurting. Erik has gotten under your skin. I have no idea how you must feel; I have heard the way the locals speak of you, you are not the only one who has heard. I am concerned for you."

She smiled weakly, and pushed a loose strand of hair away from my face.

"You should go to him."

I stared at her. "Why?"

"Because he is conflicted too. I have seen the way you two look at each other. I believe, given time, maybe Erik will stand down. But I believe, you must be the one to help him."

I sat, mulling over her words.

"T'Challa thinks the same."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay, maybe he didn't say that specifically." She admitted. "But he can tell Erik is interested with you."

"Thank you Shuri. How do you always have the best advice?" 

She just laughed as I wrapped my arms around her, embracing her tightly.


The cells were dark as usual. The guard just nodded at me, letting me through without question.

I smiled at the thought of T'Challa allowing this. He was always considerate of everyone, no matter who they were.

"Erik? Are you there?" I placed a had onto the vibranium poles of the cell.

"Princess Morowa." He smirked from the darkness, before moving forward, and wrapping his hand around my own.

I felt myself blush at his words. What is wrong with me?, I thought.

"Could you?" I gestured to the door and the guard nodded. Erik stepped back, allowing the door to swing open.

I walked over to him, hearing it clang shut behind me. He placed both hands onto my shoulders, pulling me close, and resting his head on mine. I didn't know why I wouldn't move away, considering this man was trying to overthrow my brother and all the crimes he had committed.

"Are you scared?" I whispered.

"No. I know I'll be fine with you there." His words sent chills down my spine.

He pulled me by my hand to the wall, where we sat with our backs leaning against it.

"T'Challa is my brother, blood or not." I started, and I felt him tense beside me. "But, there are things he does that I do not agree with. And one of them is the use of vibranium."

His hand crept up to my knee, where he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"I believe that it shouldn't just stay in Wakanda." I continued, attempting to ignore the sparks flying within me. "I do believe we should help our brothers and sisters. Maybe not in the way you believe - in weapons - but I think as a community we can do so much more than sit here and watch everyone else suffer. It could be used in investments in infrastructure, or exports to pay for healthcare or education. I feel segregated here away from our kin."

He was silent for a while, before nudging me gently with his leg.

"Why are you not on the board? You would be great at that kind of job - making decisions and stuff."

I sighed. "T'Challa doesn't have the same views as me - well not in everything at least. And the rest of the council do not see as level with Shuri and T'Challa. Most of them raised me themselves in their tribes, and yet they do not believe in me. I feel like an outsider."

He raised his hand to my face, wiping away a tear I didn't know was there.

"I'm sorry for rambling at you. It feels good just to get everything off of my chest."

"It's fine love, I'm glad I could be of use."

He moved closer, before planting a soft kiss on my cheek where the tear had been.

"When I am King, no one will underestimate you, or stop you from following your dreams. You will be my Queen."

AVENGER IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora