Chapter 5

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It was only an hour since the group had to abandon their apartment complex hideout, but it seemed like forever, because everything seemed to look the same, broken vehicles, a few dead freaks, and random trash out on the ground. 

Everyone kept their guard up just in case, everyone also basically had a buddy for them to be with, some even tripled up, while they all remained in one big cluster because of the old saying, safety in numbers. The group remained mostly silent, there would be the occasional joke, groan, or question. The only ones who seemed to be talking the most were Levi and Kyle.

"How about we stop for a few moments?" Evan finally spoke up, as the male wanted a break to breathe and drink. 

The rest of the group had no objections to it, so they all stopped while keeping their guard up. Everyone took a few minutes to sit and drink, or do whatever they wanted, just as long as they didn't wander too far from the group. 

Kyle sat near Levi and they began talking a bit more, about whatever. Sometimes a giggle could be heard coming from either of them. Levi's sister Sami was begin rested against a downed tree, with Bryce near by, as he wanted to give Kyle a break from carrying her.

"Do you even know which direction we're going?" 

That was overhead by everyone in the group, which caused them all to turn towards the direction it came.

Evan nodded, "Yeah... East, I believe."

"East? Are you sure you don't mean Weast?" Kyle spoke up as a joke. (At least one reader better get this reference)

Luke overheard and looked towards his little brother, "Now's not the time for jokes Kyle... This is serious..." He scolded his little brother.

"Ok... Sorry..." Kyle spoke while seeming very disappointed, which caused Bryce to give a glare to Luke, even if he didn't see it. 

Luke turned back towards Evan and tried to help with the map, Ryan also stood nearby and tried to help. 

Once everything was settled they all got back up and began to walk. Evan took the lead to help everyone follow him. 


It was a few hours later, after numerous pit stops and more walking, the group still hadn't made it to their desired destination. 

"Should we maybe stop for the night?" Kyle had spoke, showing some concern in his voice. 

"Why would we stop for the night?" Marcel asked, being a bit confused.

"Well, you think about it. There are more of those things out at night, and we'd have limited visibility. Also, people could have set traps up and we wouldn't be able to see it because it'd be too dark out," the younger male spoke, hoping he had made a convincing argument. 

Everyone seemed in agree with the idea, but there was only one problem.

"Where would we stay for the night?" Marcel asked.

"Maybe there's an abandoned neighborhood near by," Bryce chimed in.

"It couldn't hurt to look Marcel," Anthony spoke up.

Without any arguments the group went to go find a possible place for the night.


Within a half hour or so, the group found exactly what they wanted for the night. It was a neighborhood that was completely abandoned. They figured out how they would do it, they would use two of the houses and set up a temporary noise trap with some empty cans and wire. They would share rooms like they did at the complex, however it'd be more crowded and they'd only be there for less than a day.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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