Chapter 9

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~your pov~

Nichole and I spent the rest of the night catching up. I told her about my date and when I got to the part about him asking for something more, she had murder in her eyes.
She told me about her cases, then we got to the good stuff.
"Sam is sooooo cute," she gushed.
I laughed in response.
"Don't think I haven't seen you and Dean making goo-goo eyes at each other,"
she said.
My face turned bright red and she started laughing.
"I hate you, bitch," I said.
"Love you too, jerk," she responded.
Then we stared laughing at each other again.
Bobby came into the room and announced, "its good that you are feeling better Nichole, because I found a hint for you and the boys."
I looked around and held up my finger.
"BOYS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!" I shouted. I heard two pairs of footsteps dash down the hall, then I heard one trip and fall down the stairs.
Sam walked into the room, then Dean followed, rubbing his head. Nichole and I stared giggling and he glared at us.
"Thank you Y/N, now I found you all a demon hunt. There have been signs of a demon in Richmond, Virginia. Ya know, missing persons and what not, I want you to check it out," Bobby announced.
We all nodded our heads and went to get packed.
When I got to my room, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this hunt. What if it has something to do with Calvin? What if this is just a trap. I shook my head in hopes of getting rid of the thoughts.
"Is everyone ready?" yelled Dean. We all replied yes and went to Baby to start on the 21 1/2 hour drive.

~Dean's pov~

Y/N and Nichole fell asleep in the backseat about 10 hours into the drive, we have three left. I checked in the mirror to make sure they were asleep.

Nichole's pov~

I woke up, but heard the boys talking about something and heard Y/N and my names a few times. I pretended to still be asleep and listened to their conversation.
Hopefully I can find out what Sam thinks of me and what Dean thinks of Y/N, I thought.

~Dean's pov~

I teased to Sam, "Sammy, it looks like you and Nichole are getting close."
Sam freezes and turns beat red.
"I g-guess s-so," he stuttered.
I laughed as he said, "you and Y/N also seem to be getting close."
I almost hit the brakes.
"No we aren't." I defended.
"Uh huh, bullshit. I saw you guys making love-eyes at each other and that little moment in the tree," smirked Sam.
"I guess Y/N is beautiful, funny and a good hunter, but that does not mean I like her. She had no one growing up, and I want to make her feel better, thats all," I admitted.
"She is basically a girl version of you," announced Sam.
I shook my head and was about to reply, but Nichole woke up.

~Nichole's pov~

I fucking knew it!! Dean and Y/N are perfect for each other! And Sam likes me!!!!

~Dean's pov~

I shook my head and was about to reply, but Nichole woke up.
"How much longer till we get there?" she yawned.
"About 3 hours babe," replied Sam.
Then he realized what he called her and blushed. Nichole didn't seem to notice though, she just laid back down.
I smirked at Sam.

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