Chapter 7

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~your pov~

When I come back to the land of the living, I see ocean-blue eyes peering down at me.
"Fuck, my head is killing me. How long was I out," I groaned, sitting up.
"You were out for about 2 days," replied Cas as he checked me over.
I looked around and was surprised not to see Bobby or the Winchester brothers.
"Where is everyone," I wondered out loud.
"Bobby is on a supply run, and the boys are checking their connections for any sign of Calvin," Cas answered.
Just as he finished Dean and Sam came back. They ran up to me and both gave me a hug.
"How are you feeling, kiddo," asked Sam with concern.
"1. I'm older than you are moose, just because I'm shorter doesn't mean I'm younger. 2. I'm feeling fine," I sassed.
Dean snorts back a laugh. The events from before I passed out play in my head.
"Holy shit! Does this mean I'm a demon now? Do I have powers? What is going to hap-" I started but Dean cut me off.
"You are showing signs of being a demon, but Cas says until you use your powers you are fine."
Cas nods his head in agreement.
"So, I won't go psycho and start killing people," I fretted.
Sam shook his head. I instantly felt reassured.
"What do we do now, all of the demons will be after me?" I moaned.
The boys shared a look and then Dean said,
"You can come with us and we will protect you."
Sam nodded in agreement.
Maybe they can help me, I thought, I mean it couldn't hurt. Maybe I can get closer to Dean.
"I'll come with you," I announced.
Sam and Dean both smiled.
"Let's go!" beamed Dean.
"It's good that you are coming with us because I found us a case," Sam commented.
We say goodbye to Bobby and the 4 of us pile into the car.

~later during the hunt~

"Fuck, Dean, behind you!" I shouted at Dean before the spirit threw him into a tombstone.
The spirit already threw Sam into a tree and he is laying on the ground unconscious. The spirit is of a girl who died because her and her friend were exploring the old cemetery, and her friend tried to scare her, but she fell and cracked her head open.
I ran to Dean as he was getting up.
"Dean are you ok," I asked worried.
He grunted a yes, but the ghost was coming up behind him. I pushed him out of the way and shot her full of salt. Dean looks up at me in awe from his place on the ground and says, "Thanks."
I just shrugged and burned the bones.

Shortly after Dean and I filled in the grave, Sam woke up and looked around confused.
He asked what happened and I filled him in on me saving his brother's ass. Of course, I made it sound more heroic, but Sam will never know.
We sat on the hood of the Impala and Dean pulled out three beers and said, "here is to another hunt finished."
We clinked our bottles together and drank.
"It's good to have a moment when I'm not thinking about a demon trying to get me," I thought out loud.
The boys looked at me with a sad look.
"I know this may be a little personal, but why did your mom do that," Sam inquired.
I sighed and said, "she was a hard woman. She gave me my first anti-possession symbol when I was 2 and burned the Black Widow crest on my right shoulder when I was 5." I pulled down my shirt collar so they could see, then continued, "I started training when I was 4 and had my first kill when I was 7. If I got hurt, I would have to sew myself up, she always said, ' if you got hurt, then it was your screw up and you have to fix it'. If a target got away, she would beat and starve me. I could never please her, then when I was 15, she died. I have been living in a large shed a mile behind Bobby's house ever since. Of course after, I ran away and I pissed off a lot of high-ranking monsters and I have been on the run. There, now you are caught up on my life."
The boys shared another sad look.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," said Sam comfortably.
I smiled a sad smile at him.
"Well, I'm gonna turn in for the night, goodnight boys," I yawned and crawled into the backseat.
I quickly fell asleep, dreaming about knights in shining leather and evil step-mothers.

~the boy's pov~

"That girl had it harder than we did," acknowledged Sam.
Dean just kept looking at Y/N, asleep in the backseat.
"Yeah, we need to help her, Sammy, she never had a family," sighed Dean.
"I'm still concerned about her being half-demon. She would definitely be of use to Crowley," said Sam.
"But he will never get her, because we will protect her," smiled Dean.
And with that, the boys drove back tho the motel, and Dean carried Y/N inside. She curled into his chest and sighed in contentment, Dean smiled, kissed her forehead, and set her on the bed. Then everyone fell asleep.

~Calvin's pov~

"Yes, master, I will have her by the end of the month..............once I can get her away from The Winchester brothers and their pet, it will be done and then you can have her..................I activated her, but she doesn't know how to use her powers.............yes, I'll set the trap in 2 days.............. goodbye," Calvin dumps out the bowl of blood and smirks, "I'm coming for you Y/N."

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