Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Piper looked down at her list, and saw that only Percy and Nico were left for her to check up on.

Yes, she had a list made specifically for Secret Santa. She just really loved Christmas.

Since it was the last week if term next week, she had been going around the group making sure they had gotten their gifts. She was in quite a bad mood because Jason had said he hadn't got his yet, with an excuse of: 'It's my sister's birthday this weekend, her gift comes before Leo's!'

Yes, he had just broke the secret of who he had. Arse. She had told him to shut up and get the present.

She found Percy and Nico together, surprise surprise. They were holding hands and walking nowhere in particular.

Jason doesn't hold my hand like that. Not at school, where his mates could see us.

She shook her head. Her and Jason's relationship could wait.

She ran up behind Percy and jumped on his back. This was their usual greeting, but it never failed to make Percy jump.

Percy groaned. "Hello, Piper."

"No need to sound so gloomy. It's Christmas!" She slid of his back and walked round to face both of them.

She noticed differences in her old and new friends. They seemed to be rubbing off on each other.

Nico, who's hair used to go to his shoulders, had had a hair cut. It was still choppy and emo-y, but you could see his eyes.

Percy, on the other hand, had gotten his lip pierced. No joke. They all teased him about it, but she personally thought it was really hot. It went with his black hair, and trigger- happy personality. The teachers obviously had a fit, but Percy had smiled and said he couldn't take it out for two months.

"Just because it's Christmas, it doesn't mean we are obliged to be happy." Nico grinned.

"Obliged?" She snorted.

He looked apologetic. "I was trying it out."

She smiled. Nico had really come out of his shell in the past two weeks. Then again, after spending a month with Percy, you tend to become a different person.

"So, anyway. Secret Santa. You got your presents?"

It was almost comical seeing the two boys face's drop, both at exactly the same time.

"Shit crap bollocks." Percy always had such a way with words.

"Agh! Guys! Seriously? You must have the present buy next Friday, okay? Or I will shank you!"

"Shank me?" Percy said amusingly.

"Not funny, Jackson! Next Friday! Remember!"

She then turned and stalked off, hoping to find sanity in Annabeth.


Percy sat in his usual seat in form next to Clarisse, and then swung back on his chair to see Leo.

"Hey, mate. Have you gotten your present yet for Secret Santa?"

Leo grinned. "Why yes, of course I have! It's next Friday!"

Percy groaned. "Piper was very pissed when she found out Nico and I haven't bought ours yet."

Leo winced, "I feel ya, bro. I was with Jason when he told her he hadn't got his yet. Needless to say, my ears are still ringing."

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