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Tom woke up, still thinking he was with Edd and Matt. He sighed depressingly, now realizing that they had left yesterday. Tom stretched like the cat that he is and hopped out of bed, leaving the sleeping Tord. He padded across the wood floor on small paws.

Suddenly the door burst open, startling Tom to jump ten feet in the air and run to safety under the coffee table. Tom recognized Pau's voice yell, "Sir!"

Tord shot into the living room, sleep still evident on his face, "What the fuck do you want!?"

"It's done!" Pau exclaimed. "The humanization gun is actually done!"

The commie's face lit up as the drowsiness disappeared, "Finally! Three years of work actually payed off!" He pumped his hand up into the air and jumped around like a child.

Cute, Tom thought.

The Norwegian suddenly remembered that his soldier was still there and stopped his childish behaviour. "Ahem. I'll meet you at the lab. I won't be long, ten minutes at most."

When the door shut, Tord dropped his serious act and ran over to his cat and scooped him into his arms. "Oh, cat, I am so happy that I started that plan. Now you can be a real person and talk to me and not just meow in response," he explained.

Wait what? Tom cocked his head in confusion. Humanization gun? Humanization gun? Human? Tom's heart rose in joy and unbelief. Was Tord planning on turning him into a person again?

By how would he react to having his arch nemesis as his cat? Well, that was to worry about in the future. Tom was too busy internally celebrating to be concerned about the cons.

Tord set the Brit down and murmured, "I have to go get ready." He sped back to his room, clearly as excited as Tom.

When Tord was finished prettying himself up, he threw Tom onto his shoulder and sped to the lab, nearly tossing the Jehovah's witness off on every sharp turn. Tord tossed open the lab door.

Inside were people dressed in white lab coats scurrying around. One of them rushed over to meet the two. He and Tord spoke in Norwegian, to Tom's dismay. He pawed Tord's head urgently, trying to portray that he couldn't understand. The scientist led them over to somewhere as Tord spoke, English this time. "He's gonna show us the gun in action."

They walked into a room with a large glass window on one wall, showing a round room with two scientists huddled around a whining dog. A bloodhound. One person was petting its head while the other was waiting off to the side, gun in hand.

Tord pressed a button and said into a microphone, "Begin operation," in his native tongue.

The person petting the dog backed away as the other took aim. He fired a golden beam at the hound. Tom's breath hitched in anxiousness.

The dog stopped it's whining and collapsed onto the floor. Its limb began growing and twisting in an odd way. Its fur seemed to evaporate into thin air and its snout relaxed into its face. Its ears shrunk and moved down its face in an almost gory manner. The dog-human shifted uncomfortably against the floor as fingers sprouted from its paw.

The grotesque dog-human soon faded into an actual human being. A man was lying on the floor, no trace of its former body detectable to the human eye. Two people walked into the room carrying a stretcher and wheeled the man away.

Tom's eyes burned from forcing himself not to blink. He stared at Tord, wondering if this was a good option. That looked like it would hurt if he wasn't asleep for it. But no, he decided, it's better to painfully become human than to stay a dumb cat forever.

"It's your turn, cat," Tord said. As the scientist led them around to the room, the communist talked to his cat. "They told me that they've tested this on plenty of cats so far, so you have nothing to worry about. Although none of the animal-people know any languages fluently yet, none of them show signs that the ray hurt them.

"You know, I actually designed this so that we could get more loyal soldiers. A dog is man's best friend after all. I wouldn't never had thought that I would be this happy to have it completed. I never would have thought I'd be turning my own pet into a person. Hah, I didn't actually think that this would work.

"I think it was an actual dream that gave me the idea. A dog turned into a person or something and I just woke up and thought: that would be a great idea. I am so fucking glad I had that dream or this would have taken another three years."

Tom sighed as the doors to the circular, white room opened. He meowed in excitement and nervousness. Tord set him down and stroked his black pelt kindly. They smiled at each other before Tord stood back and the gun was raised to him.

Then, with a mundane sound, everything went white.

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