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The days in Norway turned chilly, portraying that winter would soon arrive. Tom didn't know how long it had been since he was adopted. He didn't know what day it was, nor month. He didn't mind though.

Tord was... fine, to him. Although Tom wouldn't admit it, he was kind of enjoying Tord's company. They had both grown closer than they would have if Tom was a human. Nowadays, Tom would sleep on Tord's bed, eat Tord's food, and go where Tord went. They had stuck together like glue, although Tord still expresses some of his annoyance to the feline. Tom made sure the other knew that the feeling was mutual.

"So what'll it be?" Pau asked.

Tom was watching Tord and Pau converse from the safety of Tord's lap. He's grown accustomed to sitting there or on his shoulder. It just felt safer.

"I've decided to send off a group for raids. What are we low on?" Tord asked.

"We have more ammo than we need and more guns than people in the army, Tord. I kind of feel like you're holding back. Maybe a vacation would be nice. Get your head straight. Go on a nice honeymoon with your cat," Pau mocked.

Tom hissed, although he didn't hate the idea as much as he thought he would, and Tord glared. Pau laughed, "He really does understand, doesn't he."

Tord sighed, "Yeah. A vacation sounds nice. Be in charge for... a week?"

"I'll give you five days," Pau said, shaking his head. "Where you think you're going?"

Tord hesitated. "England, probably."

"Scope out the place while you're at it. England's a place of interest. When you planning on leaving?"

"Tomorrow?" Tord said, looking at Tom for confirmation. Tom blinked and flicked his tail.

"I'll prepare a jet. Tomorrow. Then five days," Pau said, leaving.

"Five days," Tord agreed. "Five days to get the courage to talk to them. Hope you don't mind if I rant a bit, cat."

Tom lied down on Tord's lap. He was awaiting the never ending talk Tord would soon let out.

"I had friends. Real friends, not just work friends. One's name was Edd," he began. Tom perked up, hearing the name of one of his closest friends intrigued him as to what Tord would say next.

"He loved Cola and bacon and he had a cat named Ringo and he wore a green hoodie almost always, he practically slept in it..." his breathing picked up. "He was so nice and funny. He loved making puns, even terrible puns that nobody laughed at."

"Matt loved himself so goddamn much. He wasn't the smartest but he had his moments. He had mirrors and photos of himself in every room of the house. He was funny in a dumb way.

"Tom, Tom was never really my friend. We fought a lot," he choked out a sob. Tom curiously flicked his tail in interest of what his enemy had to say about him. "He was an alcoholic Jehovah's witness who never liked me. The feeling was mutual. He had weird hair that stood straight up and pitch black eyes. Like, the entire eye. It was fucking weird."

Tom was about to hiss or do something to defend his human self but Tord cut him off, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry to him for never trying to be nice. That's just one more thing I'll have to fix when I go to England. I hope they're okay."

Tom filled with sorrow. He wasn't okay, and Tord would learn that the hard way. Tom purred slightly as Tord softened out his black pelt. He covered his face with his hand.

"God, I'm so stupid," he said. "I never should have... I never should have left them. No, I shouldn't go to England. They wouldn't want me there, especially Tom. He's the one who I want to apologize to the most. But I won't be able to apologize unless I go to London. Maybe I'll just write them a letter- no, they'll probably burn it before they read it."

Tom was getting tired of this internal conflict inside of Tord. He sat up and put his paws on Tord's shoulders and looked him in the eye. Just go to London. Talk to them, Tom willed his thoughts to Tord, as if he could communicate that way. And take me with you.

Tord's eyebrows furrowed. "Okay," he nodded. "I'm going to go to London and talking to them. I'm going to apologize. Fuck, I'm so glad I got a cat."

Tom flicked his tail and hopped up onto Tord's shoulder. "Yes, I'm taking you with me," Tord chuckled. Tom meowed, happy that he would soon see Edd and Matt again.

Tom thought of Edd and Matt. How were they handling his death? How long was he dead for? Did he have a funeral? Was he buried? Cremated? Were Edd and Matt doing okay now? Had they gotten over his death?

Tord got up, startling Tom into almost falling off. He walked to his room and let Tom off onto the bed. "I'm going to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow. Do whatever you want, just don't break anything," Tord said, taking off his hoodie and crawling onto the bed, not bothering to get under the covers. He covered his head with a pillow.

Tom hopped off the bed and padded into the kitchen where he sat alone to contemplate.  He would see his friends soon, although they wouldn't recognize him.

Why am I here? Tom asked himself. I died. I was supposed to go to heaven or hell or something. I'm not supposed to turn into a cat! He got angrier and angrier at the world. He never chose to be a cat. Tom yowled in agony. He hissed paced around. I am not a cat! I am a person! A human being!

"Cat, is something wrong? You're being loud for no reason," a voice spoke. Tom looked behind him and saw Tord. Tom meowed loudly, Something is terribly wrong! I'm a cat! A tiny dumb cat!

"What? Are you in pain? Is it the eggs you ate? I knew I shouldn't be giving you people food," Tord worried.

A thought came into Tom's mind. He could somehow tell him that he's Tom. He looked at the floor and pressed his nails out. Tom. Spell Tom. That's what he needed to do. But he couldn't. How did one spell Tom? T! T is first. How do you spell T again?

His head spun violently and hurt like a bitch. T. Tom scratched III on the floor with three nails. T. Next is O.

"Hey!" Tord said, picking up his cat and carrying him back to his bed. "What's gotten into you? Just sleep. If you're really in pain you'll claw at me or something."

Although Tom was antsy, he curled up beside Tord on the bed. Tom huffed, I guess he'll just never know.

Cat Eyes || Tomtordजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें