Chapter 3

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Brennen POV
I feel horrible. Since the moment we saw each other, he has known me as a "bully". I don't want to be known as a bully. Because I hang around Elton and the gang, that poor boy is afraid of me. I feel bad that the rest of them are going to take advantage of him Monday through Thursday. He doesn't look like he has the best home life as it is. I can't say a word though, I'm not going to end up like him...

No matter how much I try to look at him or reassure him. He just looks at me. The only time I've ever heard him talk is when he's afraid. I've never heard him just... talk. I've never seen his face properly, I've never seen him smile. All I see is a thin, tiny figure in black.

Colby POV
I don't want to be a bother to anyone, especially Brennen. He is the only one that hasn't physically hurt me, he's just there to witness it. I know he won't do anything to save me because of his tough reputation. He won't save someone like me. Who am I kidding?

I think the dude is pretty attractive as well, I'm the gayest person in the whole high school. That's what other students say anyways. That's one of the many reasons no one likes me. Because I'm different.

Throughout the school day, I stay to myself. I used to have a friend in the beginning of the year, a real friend. I could talk to him about anything. Then, when I told him I was homosexual, he told his parents and they made him transfer to another school. His name was Sam, Sam Golbach. Not the bully Sam. Anyways, We planned a whole career and future together but because of his stupid homophobic parents, that was blown down the tubes. So now, I talk to no one. I don't go to the bathroom, people have me on their radar. I'm one of the smallest high schoolers in the whole school, I'm easy to get. That's why I don't go to the bathroom.

After school, I go right to my locker. I put my binder in my book bag. I pull it out right before a large, tan, muscly hand with many rings slams right into my open locker door, slamming it shut. I jump and turn around with wide eyes. It was Brennen.

"You Ready to go, Colby?" Brennen tries to be tough. I nod in reply. I zip up my backpack before walking out with Brennen and to the "gang". Elton walks up to me, I can smell his breath. It smells of old mint. He's been chewing gum. I cringe.

"Colby! Thanks for showing up!! Today you go to Brennen's. He can keep you for as long as he wants. Understand??"

"Y-Yes......." I whisper, only to be heard vividly.

"Take him, Brennen." Elton commands Brennen. He does just that, he grabs the back of my shirt and walks away from the gang, not saying a word. I don't speak to him, I'm afraid.

We walk all the way to this house, it looks like a rich kids house. The typical Varsity Football Player House, he has a big white sheet on the tan home with his name in paint, with a football emblem and his number. Fuck, this kid is hot and plays for varsity football. And I'm going to his house... he's going to hurt me. I don't even care anymore...

Brennen lets go of me in his front yard, I turn to face him, he looks down at me.

"Hey, Colby. My mom is home so don't act afraid of me, I'm just going to say you're a friend."

"O... Okay."

"Also, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not going to take advantage of you or hurt you. You don't deserve that, I know that you're gay and I accept that. There's no need to make fun of you. I'm happy that you came out because keeping it in is going to hurt you more in the long run."

I just nod, I have a question... should I ask him?... n-no... yea. I better... I finally speak up.

"U-Uhm... h-how do you like..... know that- it's going to.. hurt me more in-in the long run?..."

"You know what? I'll tell you this later in my room, after we get situated. Got it, kid?"


From then, I'm pretty sure... I know, I'm going to get it. It's probably a big cover up. He's probably going to sex me up for money or some shit. I don't play these guessing games... I swipe my fringe over my forehead, basically covering my eyes. I look down and I walk into the house, the Air Conditioned home hits me. I smell food, it smells delicious.

"Mom, Jess, Jake, I'm home!"

"Thanks for letting me know, Bren Bren!" A women's voice yells from the kitchen, she peeks out and I meet eyes with her before I look back down quickly.

"Who's this??"

"Oh, mom, this is Colby. He's one of my friends. I'm helping him study."

"Oh, well, I'm glad to meet you, Colby! If you'd like to stay for dinner, we'd be glad to have you!" The older women smiles gently at me.

"I... I don't want to impose, ma'am. I-"

"You won't impose. I invited you, Silly! You should stay, we're having homemade taco's."

"Oh, Uhm..... o-okay... thank you.."
I look back down.

"Come on, Colby. Let's go to my room."

I nod before following him upstairs and into a room, he immediately shuts the door. I begin to get more afraid.

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