Chapter 2

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Colby walked home that night, tears filled in his eyes, rage filled in his heart. His backpack filled some more. He climbed back through his window, putting the bag where he always keeps it. Colby immediately goes to his dresser drawer. He picks up Lucky carefully. He sits down at the edge of his bed, tears freely fall. He slides up his sleeve. Many thoughts racing through his cloudy mind.

"There's more where that came from..."

Colby whispered to himself,

"Lucky, I'm sorry."

There was no stutter from the moment he started. He kept it going for what felt like hours, no hesitation. It was like a knife and butter. Blood seeps, he didn't do anything besides pulling down one sleeve and lifting the other until that got too bad. He went to his thighs, then his stomach. But, that's just normal to Colby. He walked to the bathroom sink and rinsed off Lucky, leaving the blood on himself. He placed Lucky back and lied down in bed.

Colby didn't fall asleep that night. He usually doesn't sleep much. He just stares at the ceiling with a blank expression, just questioning it all. Day light came, Colby stayed in bed. He was going to be late for school, what was the point anyways?

Colby is usually always late for school. He has gotten so many Saturday School's, In School Suspensions, Detentions. You name it. It didn't phase him. His grades are the level of passing. Low C's and high D's. Colby hated his schedule.

8:30- Homeroom
1- World History
2- Language Arts
3- P.E(Block)
4-P.E (Block)
5-Spanish 1
6-Environmental Science
7- Algebra 1
8- Study Hall

It looks like a normal schedule, right? Wrong. He has a block period which means he has it for two periods since there wasn't another elective open for him. Lucky for Colby, he has P.E for the block period. Which means he has to be in a locker room with a bunch of Jock athletes. The ones that pick on him. There wasn't like the typical "main bully" they were all just as bad.

Corey, Elton, Jake, Sam, and Brennen. For some reason, Brennen seems stand off-ish compared to the others which is odd to Colby, he never questioned it though.

Around 11 AM, Colby finally decided to get up. He went to his closet and picked up a black and white striped long sleeve shirt and a plain black T-Shirt. He put the sleeved shirt on under the T-Shirt, he fit in black skinny jeans again, along with his black vans. He goes to the mirror before brushing out his hair, it's gotten to the point where it's pretty long. He needed it cut. He brushes his teeth, puts on deodorant, grabs his bag and heads out.

Colby walks with his head down once again. All the way to the school building. He walked in just when the bell to lunch rang. He went to the office to get a tardy slip and put his things in his locker. He tried to skip Physical Education everyday but, it usually doesn't matter. When he misses, they always find him.

He ran into the lunch room, trying to get into the line before Corey or any of them found him. That didn't exactly work, Elton walks up. He puts on a fake act so the teachers that were on duty didn't think anything of it.

"Hey, Colby!! Wanna go to the bathroom with us? We gotta talk!"

Elton puts a phony smile on his face.

Colby POV
Of course, Elton had to come up to me... oh look! It's the ducklings waddling behind him, Corey, Sam, Jake... and Brennen. You know what? I'm gonna ignore them the best I can, this isn't gonna work.

"I-I Uh... can't, I haven't gotten my lunch yet."

Damn it, Colby!!! You had to freaking stutter didn't you?! UGH!!

"We still have 30 minutes, I think you'll be fine..."

Elton says quieter, not gonna lie, my heart is racing. All I know is I shouldn't have even showed up. I fucking HATE this!! Shit!!!
I just then, I gasp...

"Corey, Jake! Let go of me!"

Jake quickly shushes me before whispering,

"Shut the fuck up, Fag. I'll fucking punch you in your damn teeth!..."

I whimper quietly, they push me, not too harshly, right out of the doors to the cafeteria and into the bathroom. Why do I have to be so small? I'm such a target...

"Hey, Fag!!"

Corey chimes in, Elton puts his hand on Corey's chest, pushing him back. He looks right into my eyes with rage. I never did anything to them!

"Corey, not now." Elton rolls his eyes,
"Hey. Colby. Wanna make a deal with us??"

"I... I don't know..." I say hesitantly.

"If you don't make this deal, I'll beat you until you're dead, you hear me?!"

Elton pushes me against the stall, holding me up by my black shirt. My eyes widen. I nod slightly, my face goes red, he lets go. I gasp for breath.

"You better. Here's the deal, Faggot. Every day, you are scheduled to come to one of our houses, you better behave like a good boy. You do as we say, no more of this."

"S-So... you're gonna take advantage of m-me—" I get cut off by Brennen.

"Elton, m-maybe we shouldn-"


He yells at Brennen before turning back to me,

"I'm going to tell you what's up. I know you don't have a life because you're a fucking looser. You better go to each of our houses right after school, you walk home with the assigned person... You behave like a Good Boy, we won't have an issue. Got it?"

Elton started to raise his voice, I nod repeatedly.

"Good. Monday, you go to my house. Tuesday, you got Corey. Wednesday, Sam. Thursday, Jake. Friday, you go to Brennen's."


I agree, I'm so fucking dumb!!!

"Good Boy, Colbs. You will respect us, we will respect you."

I just nod.

"Good, we have a deal. Meet with Brennen after school, it's Friday."

"I-I........" Elton glares at me. "O-Okay..."

"Good. Let's go."

They all leave, except for Brennen. He stares at me, I pause and look back at him.

"I.. I won't hurt you, I won't take advantage of you. I'm sorry about all of this.."

He frowns and leaves. I sigh and think about what he just said to me. It repeats in my head, over and over. Wow... what was that?

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