Virgil x Logan ~ Double Rainbow

Start from the beginning

Virgil followed Logan back inside, both of them dripping wet, leaving small puddles on the floor in their wake. They left small puddles with every step they took up the stairs and to Virgil's room. Logan maneuvered his way to Virgil's bathroom.

"Shower, cannot have you catching a cold. With out you, the other sides get overwhelming and Roman gets extra."

"Isn't he always?"

Logan let a sly smile slip to his face, "Yes, that is true. Seriously, you need a nice, hot shower, your lips are turning blue." Logan brushed his thumb over Virgil's pale lips and the younger trait seemed frozen at the warmth.

Logan realized what he was doing and dropped his hand.

"When you finish, make sure to wash your clothes. I need to go take a shower myself."

Virgil nodded softly and Logan left the bathroom. Virgil stood still for a moment, feeling, sad that Logan was gone. He let out a heavy sigh and turned to the shower, turning it on, undressing and jumping in, letting hot water sear his cold skin.

He stayed in until his body was warm again, washing his hair, washing his body, all that, getting out and drying off, wrapping a towel around his waist and grabbing his wet clothes from the floor, walking out, seeing Logan sitting on his bed.

"Ahh, I'll bring those to the wash for you, I laid out some clean clothes as well."

Virgil was left at a loss for words as Logan quickly took his wet clothes from him and left the room, heading to the laundry room.

In and out, just like that. As calming as the rain outside. Virgil smiled weakly, realizing a feeling he didn't think he could hold, choking it down as he got dressed, then heading to the bathroom to apply his makeup. When he came out, a part of him was saddened that Logan wasn't sitting on his bed.

He let out a tiny sigh, and headed downstairs, no longer stuck on the rain that was still pounding on the windows.

Instead, he was focused on Logan, who had to switch to a different outfit since his was now in the wash.

It was a tight fitting black shirt, with some tight fitting black jeans. Definitely not what Virgil ever pictured Logan wearing.

Logan heard Virgil enter the room, and offered a comforting smile his way, "You warm now?"


"Good," He then nodded his head to the brewing pot of coffee, "you want some."

Virgil nodded.

"You like yours with cream and sugar, right?"

"I... Yeah."

Logan smiled to himself, proud at his memory as he finished brewing the coffee, setting his aside, liking his as black as the void of space, and then getting to work perfecting Virgil's. A minute later, he handed the steaming cup to Virgil, who gladly took it.

The two moved to the couch with their coffee, faintly hearing the pounding rain on the window.

"So, you like the rain?" Logan asked kindly, seeing Virgil's eyes drift back to the window.

Virgil snapped back to the much greater reality in front of him, "it's calming."

"I suppose it is."

The two sat in a warm silence, comfortable with each other. Virgil loved Patton like a father, but he wouldn't be able to sit like this with him. And Roman...

Roman was no good at these sort of things.

Logan was this warm, intelligent guy that captured Virgil's eye, that made him sort of dizzy thinking about.

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