chapter 3 the message

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A few days went by and I was training hard first I was of course weak like my karate group from my homeplace would expect but from time to time I got better and stronger. During my improvenent anything seemed to stalk me. Meanwhile a creature walked to a dragon. He stood in the dark so there is no Identity seen. The other creature looked at the dragon in the dark "where is takashi?" He asked "he got killed... by the cyborg monster" the creature answered "what a shame! It seems some of our monsters has to do his job. " the dragon said and chuckled.

Back to me I still trained with gigan I blocked every attacks and he mine.  The others from the camp where watching us how much I improved myself while their trained on their own. Two other creatures arrived they where both robotic just like mechagodzilla. At least one of them. The second one was more like humanoid. "KIRYU,JET how are you doing?!"mechagodzilla asked  "pretty good thanks! Who is that red wolf here? The other mechagodzilla asked "oh,that's W-girl. A exchange fight student for a while" mechagodzilla answered "she is good!" The humanoid robot said and walked forward gigan saw the robot "Jetskiii" gigan shouted. They both hugged each other. The humanoid robot was named jet and the one who looked like mechagodzilla was named kiryu "and this one is you exchange student?"jet asked. Kiryu came to jet "yes my sensei and theirs are doing this project. It took so much work to even affort it. " I said. I saw that the two robots where really close dor each other. I just did not bother but to smile "oh gigan would be a good catch he is still single. And you two look already sweet together" jet mentioned . Kiryu got shocked. At this point I was so emberrased I turned to the others who stopped training "he has right though" Gia said "you would be a really good match" dora said  while  penelope noded. Mothra and megalon shruged Gigan's head shot red. I was so confused and my instinct told me to hide from the embarresment wich haunted me especially I really had a crush on gigan. So I ran into the woods. "W-GIRL WAIT! IT IS TOO DANGEROUS" gigan screamed. He turned to jed with a angry mimic "youuu" he growled.

Meanwhile I ran around the woods. But I gor stopped by a creature. It was a hybrith of a rat and a raptor the creature looked at me with their red eyes and hissed "IN THE NAME OF LEE KUROSAKI YOU WILL BE TAKEN BY ME YOU HAVE NO CHOICE" i shook my head and kicked him with the wabashi geri shudan kick they fell down but while I pulled my leg back it bit me. I screamed. The pain was incredibly deep. I shocked them of my leg. As I freed myself I kneeled down. The creature jumped on me but I hit it away with my claws. They ran back to me to bite my shoulder. I screamed. All the sudden Gigan and destroyah came to save me the creature. He shoved them away with his hook arms and beamed it with lazer eye. "Stop, gigan! You better take her back to the camp! I can handle this" destroyah said "but-" "I SAID RUN!!" Destroyah yelled. Gigan had no choice bit to pick me up and running to our camp. I shivered " is lee kurosaki...." i whispered "shh... lets bring you to destroyah's cabine! Everyone are worried about you. Jet jaguar can heal you with his technique" gigan whispered.I leaned my head on his chest.  He brought me to the cabin everyone waited for us "there you are!" Mothra said "what happend?!"megalon asked "a rat creature attacked me. " I answered "oh dear you shouldn't walk deep in the woods..." penelope said "anything worse could happend" gia answered "calm down everyone! You forgot that we  have a doctor around now!" Mechagodzilla said "he has right..." dora said. "On my way" jet saif. Gigan lied me to a destroyah's bed. Jet stood infront of me "don' t be scared "he turned something on and some kind of ray floated on me. I could feel no pain on my shoulder anymore. Some secands later the pain of my leg vanished either. "I am sorry I upset you with it... did not knew you react this extreme. I will leave you two alone for a seconf jet said and left the room. "So.... about earlier... eh" gigan stambled. I looked at the ground "are you in love with me?" He asked. I looked at him. My heart betated so fast.

I was never this close with him. Righr before we could kiss we heared a roar. Gigan knew where it came from and who roared "sensei! We must help him!" Gigan shoutet. He torn me up. We ran together to find destroyah. As we looked around the woods we saw blood  all over the way. It leaded us to destroyah. He lied on his own blood. At least he was still alive but he was in serious condotion. He had blood and scratchmarks all over it. His breathing was heavily "you... idiots... you came back to help me?" He asked "we could not leave our sensei behind!" Gigan said. We both helped him up "where did that thing go?" I asked "it gave me no other choice. With my breath...." he said catching for air "I could tear his oxygen away otherwise I would be dead" he continued. We brought him to his cabine. We lied him on the bed while jet healed him. "Thanks everyone..." destroyah answered. He looked at us "we had a long day... we deserve a day with no training... rey" destroyah said. Everyone went to their own cabines

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