chapton 1 the arrival

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Tokyo, thats where my plane reached the airport. It was a big town and I saw the whole land while the plane was landing. I got invited while my family made a vacation to somewhere else. I was an exchange student for two weeks in a fighting academy. I shall meet my sensei Destroyah. I walked to the airport halls. A red purplelish dragon looked at me. He had one yelow horn, orangenglowing eyes. And three short tusks on his cheeks. His neckshield had a shape of like spiky elephant ears. The thing what suprised me the most was that he had instead of a pairnof wings just two pair of wings. Twonbigger then the lower two ones. His chlothing looked rather peaceful like some kindnof kimono in short. The dragon bowed to me "conichiwa miss, you must be the student Boris told me about?"he asked I bowed back to the dragon. That was destroyah "yes sensei" I replied. Destroyah gave me a calm smile "we admit we where suprised you could arrive. Must been really expensive to afford the journey?" He asked "yes it was but I got some help" I answered. Destroyah noded. As we where walking around the halls I picked up all my packages "a little warning before we arrive. Just like our culture and our camping is oldschool style so you will only see old styled houses. And we have also enemys lots of things might happen here during your time with us. Otherwise my other studens would be please to see you. We never had someone from germany especially not a german wolfwrath" destroyah explained. I gulped at the statement that their camp had enemies. "The wolfwraths where almost dying away in my city. I am almost the only one" I answered "I see"

as we got out of the halls I had to realise something. Destroyah did not seem to have a car or any other vehicles "not to be rude but... don't you have a car?" I Asked. I felt stupid to ask it and normally I was careful asking things. Japan was a country I always wanted to visit that is why my curiousity got stronger. But I fastly regretted such things like asking or doing. Destroyah began to laugh. "With wings double so strong then just two you can arrive faster to your goals!" Destroyah answered. He holded me wich scared me for a moment. He holded me so I could not fall down. At last he began to fly. Exept of beibg in planes trams or  trains wich drove on the bridge I was scared of height. With my thick hands and three claws I holded roughly on destroyah and looked away. Then I realised how beautiful that view was and my heart began to pound softer. I already saw the camp. It was deep in the forest I looked down at the view as destroyah began to land. As our feet touched the floor I was relieved to survive the heigh. For a moment I thought one wrong movement and I would be  dead. However some creature kept an eye on me. It was a half robot half bird like creature. Instead of simple hands the creature had hooks just like his feet he had one but long eye shaped like thesensunglasses without any distance and another eye on their forehead. His beak were a metallic silver just like the tusks. His metallic huge spikes began from head tonthe back where three huge fins where placed. As he opened his beak I could see his sharb teeth. His toung was just black as the parrots. His chlothing was just a black kung fu suit "this is Gigan. He is since his childhood in the camp. He is a very good student " destroyah explained. As he came closer to me I looked at him "you must be the student we all expect? " he asked. I noded "your sensei told us you should improve yourself! " gigan said. I was embarrased. Even though I had the yellow belt im karate I lacked at movements. I looked at gigan for a time. In this time my heart began to pound faster. "You will share a cabine with him!" Destroyah said and so my heart began to litterally jump inside of my chest.

Gigan offered me to hold his... hook. I took the offer and we both walked across his cabin "WAIT!" Destroyah shouted. We turned to hom "I need to let you know. If anything happens with you or any of us just let me know... keep in your mind what Intold you in the airport" destroyah explained. I noded. Gigan led me in his cabine I looked around. After I checked eveeything I began to unpack my stuff and put them inside an empty deawer "so tell something about yourself" gigan said.  "My name is W-girl and I am from germany" I said carefully "noooo no how old are you,  what is your regular art fighting what velt you- " he stopped as he saw I had the yellow belt on my white karate suit"oh... nevermimd you would skip at least three belts with hard training!" Gigan said "yeah at least you know what my current belt is. My technique is karate since I quit judo because my old teacher where roughly to me" I said "I see... I should introduce you my bro Megalon and his girlfriend Mothra" "that would be cool" the bird creature dragged me with his hooks outside. We were about to walk to another cabine until we holded on to see what was happening. Another creature, looking like the pterosaurus with three waveshaped neckshiwlds on his hindhead wearinf only greenish pants crashed against the tree nearby an cabine seemed to be destroyah's. We rashed fastly to the pterosaurus and helped him up "Rodan, how many times do I and the rest have to tell you, to be careful?" Gigan asked the dinosaur species. The pterosaurus wich his name was rodan looked at us in a dizzy way. He brabbled some random words together. Then he shook himself to snap out his dizzyness . The he looked at me "is this a newcomer?" He asked while pointing at me "sorta. She will be here for a few weeks to improve her movements" Gigan answered. Rodan looked at the heaven and thougt about whar gigan just said "Ah thats cool" he said and made his way to the cabines. As I and gigan turned back to the cabine we wanted to visit two creature came out.

One seemed to be a male while the other was female. The male looked like a kind of hercules beetle. His mouth where funny shaped as it was fingers looking at each other and opened sidely. His horns where silver. His skin was a dark greyish shade of brown while his brown wings where like other beetles but they where jeweled with golden stripes. His habds where just like gigans replaced but with a pait of drills.his big golden bug eyes wided as he saw me as a newcomer his dressing was just like rodan but his was in a darker shade of a reddish brown. The female was a fluffier kind if  moth. Her winfs where big and jeweled with differenr colors like black orange and yellow. Her big bottom body was orange and white striped while the underside was brown. She had six arms. They started from fluff to eagle feet. Her head and feelers where fluffy. Around her blue eyes she was white while the middle of her face was brown. Her mouth was just like the beetle but with one difference. Her mouth was more likely round the fingershaped. Her chlothing was a green dress. The two walked to us
" hello! This must be the expected student?" the beetle said. I bowed to both of the bug species "yes! My name is W-girl" I answered "nice to meet you. My name is Megalon and this is-" the beetle just wanted to continue speaking while the moth interrupted him "A WOLFWRATH! hi, my name is Mothra" the moth answered. She hugged me with her six arms. She was so soft. "What are you doing? We actually wanted to visit you" Gigan explained. "We are about to prank Mechagodzilla and PG" Megalon answered "we are so on!" Gigan said . We walked to another cabine. Megalon activated his drils and jumped under the earth. Some time we heared weird noise made by megalon. Finally the door opened and a robotic dinosaur stood infront of us nothinf to say about his apperance. Only that hisnmetalnwas full of silver His eyes where glowing yellow while he had dark grey chlothing just like gigan. he was ready to confront us. But mothra created shiny dust out of her wings to throw at him. Around the pranker sneaked a female creature. It was a  three headed female dragon. She had no arms at all. Her scales where pute gold and her three heades eyes where huges. All of the three heads had fluffy manenwich reached until their back. They also had anthlers Her two heads where holding her red dress wich was holded by a black belt "seriously? You came with that after our jumpscare in your cabines? " she asked "mechagodzilla appeared out of nowhere!" Mothra said the robotic creature looked at us "and megalon is tryin to reward it? Lame" he said and crawled in the hole he created to pull him out. "YOU SON OF A-" Megalon yelled and jumped on the robot The boys began to wrestle while the three headed talked to me "you are the student who spends time with us for a while? " the first head asked me "yes, my name is w-girl" I said  "nice to meet you" the third head said "we have to excuse us! My  mechagodzilla and megalon just love to mess with each other" the middle head said 
"our name is PG" the first head said "I am penelope and these two are named gia and dora but we all prefer to be calles pg only. Its easy for us" the first head continued. While the concersation Mechagodzillanand megalon where finished with wrestle and lied only on the ground "megalon, you do know you have to repair our front floor" gia said "ye" Megalon replied. We all headed back to out cabines while megalon filled the whole back . So this was where I spend my time in the next weeks. Nice here. I can't wait for training

Gijinka Camp (REAL REMAKE OF GODZILLA FANFIC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang