"Hey, Mum, can I borrow the car for a bit?" I asked her.

"Don't you have your own car?" she asked me smirking.

"No…" I answered skeptical.

"Caroline. Look outside." Lainey said with astonishment.

I peeked outside. There was Ana looking at a shiny black car on the curb. There was a note attached to it.

"Caroline come out here now!" Ana yelled.

Lainey and my Mum followed. I took the note off of the car. Still very confused.

It read:

My Dear Caroline. I am missing you and your sister terribly. I am over the ocean for another few  months. I came into some extra money. Happy early birthday darling. Here is the car you've been asking for. Treat my Ana right. That's part of the deal. I love you Honey. See you soon. - Pop.

"Oh my god." I said.

I was teary eyed. I have my own car now? And not just any car. An Audi. A shiny, new, black, Audi. Similar to the one that Harry drives, but mine was about 5 editions older. It was beautiful. And still looked brand new. Hardly driven. I broke out in a smile.

"Did you know about this?" I asked my Mum.

"I picked it out. Actually." she smiled.

"Thank you." I gave her a hug. I would have to call my father.

"Pop got me VIP Justin Bieber tickets Care! I'm meeting him!" Ana said glowing. I smiled at her. He was her favorite singer.

My dad makes good money. But this was too much. I couldn't believe it. And VIP Bieber tickets for Ana? She's going to go crazy. My Pop is too perfect. He didn't have to do this. I would've been happy with a rusty pickup truck. A lawyer's daughter shouldn't be driving that, he would say. If only he were here. I was missing him more than ever.

"Here are the keys honey. Be back before dinner. Will you be joining us Lainey?" my Mum asked.

"If it wouldn't be a bother to you that would be lovely." she answered.

"See you girls soon."

"Bye Mum!"

"Hi Elaine!" Ana said.

Lainey gave her a quick hug.

"Are you ready to meet your idol?" Lainey asked her.

Ana nodded insanely. We waved goodbye and got into my car. My car. It was going to take some getting used to saying that. But it was mine.

We went to Lainey's house quick. She got her money, I waved to her older brother. Her hot older brother I should add. I had always had a small crush on him, bet he was four years older. It really meant nothing at all. But he, he was fine. She came out of her house in a new outfit. Always something new. Then we got going.

We drove to the downtown area where there were little shops and boutiques.

"I saw these mint colored ankle length pants that would be perfect for you." Lainey said.

"Where?" I asked.

Mint, salmon, gray, and white were my favorite colors. And I have been dying for mint jeans. And if they were ankle length I didn't have to worry about them not being long enough. Sweet.

We walked over to our favorite shop. It was much like Top Shop, but a bit cheaper and more local. I loved Top Shop too though. And the Jack Wills stores, but they can be pretty expensive.

One AffectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora