chapter two(part four)

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How is she said "Francis"..yes said one of the "doctors"...(Francis couldn't keep the tears from glossing all over his face)..(Francis heads for gwen,he held her arms and whispered saying "am not letting you go this time"..I will be back..he kissed her forehead and left the emergency ward to the reception..hey taxi said "Francis"..(he headed for Gwens mum.he was unsure if he could cope with christianas mothers's been long he saw her.he fathomed how christiana could have felt)..."here you go man" said the taxi driver..."thanks"said francis ...(he walked into the hospital,nurses coming in and out of the hospital..francis heaved a sigh heavily,adjusted his clothes and heads towards the entrance of the hospital)..."hey doctor" said francis.(he stopped a female one).."my friend was called on emergency about her mother racheal davies" said Francis.."follow these direction" said the female doctor. "Thanks so much" said francis..(he was sad abd confused..he saw her today after years which they lost was a joy filled one before it was ruined..he wiped away his tears,summoned some courage and heads for the morgue..he knocked the door,and a lady in a lab coat opened)..
"Can i help you? Said the lady.. "My name is francis churchill,was with gwen davies when she was told about her mother said francis..(a voice pitched out from the corner and said "racheal davies right" said the senior staff.."yes ma said "francis" (shakingly)..
"Where is her daughter" said the senior staff.."she passed out after been called.she is going to be alright" said francis..."Ohh!!!,am so sorry sir" said the senior staff.."come closer" said the senior staff..(she unzips gwens mothers dead body..francis eyes welled in tears.).."she had an high blood pressure which led to quadraplegia after loosing her only son.her husband left her few months after for a billonaire mistress).."oh my God!!! Said francis (he was startled and come he wasn't aware of this?..gwen must have gone through a lot of agony when went apart)..
"Am sorry and extend my condolences to her daughter" said the senior staff.(Francis heads out of the hospital and dials christianas mobile rang repeatedly,she isn't picking up..Francis board a taxi and heads to check on Gwen).

"I so hate my brother" said christiana.."hope all is well" said the taxi driver.."yea and thanks,it's okay over there" said christiana.(christiana alighted from the rickety jerky is a county,beautiful and quiet.the taxi hooted away from her and heads for the main road..she took few steps forward and saw Julio coming out of the entrance of a two storied terraced building afront her..
"Wao!!!,what are you doing around here" said julio."came here to rent an apartment just for gew days' said christiana (with a loving smile)..
"Hmmm!!!,it's sunny,come in" said julio.(in more than thirty minutes,christiana and julio were conversating.a country music playing softly from an home theatre)..
"You look stunning" said julio.."oh c'mon!!!,you kidding right? Said christaina.."so how did you got here" said christiana.."i was raised by a mexican foster father here in london.he had no children" said julio (in a sad tone).."seriously" said christiana.(she was amused and also felt sympathetic)..
"Yea,am an orphan.he picked me up around downtown,extreme town limit and i was about six years old.he said he was in search of his dog,he searched everywhere until he paved way into the bush and saw me sleeping amidst it..he says "faith made him loose his dog all for me to be found.his memories in me stays strong even after his death)..
"Oh my...." Said christiana.(she felt the agony he was going through and the unease in him).."he was sixtyfive years when he took me in like his son..we live in a deserted log cabin around his farm which he built himself.i give him a helping hand during planting and harvesting and selling our produce in the market" said Julio..
"I feel your pain" said christiana.."thanks"he passed away when I was sixteen years.he died of kidney failure.he died in the farm trying to harvest few potato tubers for our dinner and I was off to the market to make sales".."am so sorry said christiana.(Julio bursted in tears).."it's okay" said christiana (she moves towards him,hugged him tightly enough to make him feel he is not alone).

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