Part six

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Well I'm gonna update because I have nothing else to do today so I it might be a long one so enjoy and listen/watch the video it's amazing. I going to switch between he and she and him and her and be warned if you see 'Shrimp' it's actually 'Shrio' it keeps changing it  Ok enough of my blabbering Lets go.
Keith's POV
I woke up to an empty bed. "Lance?" I call out and hear a voice like Lances voice but kinda girly "Yes?" I up off the bed and walk into the bathroom and see Lance standing in front of the mirror. "What?" Lance says kinda mad "Nothing, what's wrong?" I ask him. "My chest it's getter bigger" he said holding his arms around his chest. I sigh and hug him "Lacy it doesn't matter if your chest is getter bigger, you are perfect they way you are." I tell her. "Thanks Keith your amazing." She says "Let's stay here so when the leave you can do dress the way you want ok?" I say. And he smiles and kiss me. We walk out bathroom and sit on bed "I want to wear a dress today." He said "You can wear a dress if you want, you can wear what ever want." Lance got up and went to the dresser to get a dress, he was standing to the side so you could tell he was trans and then the door opened.

We froze and turned to see Shrio. Lance turned his back to him so he would see him but he saw. "Your trans?!?" Lance looked like she just saw a killer. He got up and pulled him inside locking the door. "Look don't tell anyone or else I'll send you into hyper space!" Lance yells and storms off into the bathroom. "Sorry Shrio" "It's ok Keith but how long have you known?" He asked "About a month." I say "Lance." I say no answer I sigh "Lacy come out of there."
"Lacy?" Shrio says "yeah and if you don't like her real name you can get up and leave." I say Lance comes out and lays nexts to me putting her head on my lap I start playing with his hair. "Forget you saw me." Lance said to Shrio and then turning around and hiding her face. "Why didn't you tell me?" Shrio said "I have my reasons." Lance says "Well I won't tell anyone and if you need anything you can come to me." Shrio said "Oh No that's my job you go be with Allura." I say and Lance sits up "Oh is someone jealous~" Lance says "When did you to get so close?" Shrimp said "A week ago." I say Lance walks to the dresser and hose through it. "Keith!" Lance says "Yeah?" I say "Red or Blue?" Lance says I get up and walk over to him "Hmmm how about Red." I says "Ok" he says and walks into the bathroom shutting the door leaving me and Shrimp in the room. We sit there quietly and wait a minute later he comes out with it on "If feels so weird I haven't worn a dress since I was fifteen." Lance says. "So when are you going to go?" I ask
"Oh yeah Allura needs stuff. I'll go now." Shrio starts to leave but gets called back into the room. "Wait!" Lance says "what type of Stuff?" Lance asked "Um like girl stuff." Shrimp said too Lance "Can I come with I need somethings to" He said " Yeah Since Your both girls you might actually be useful." Shrio said leaving the two of us in the room. "Actually be useful" Lance repeating what Shrio said before he left.
(What I'm I doing with my life to do this? Anyway let's continue)
"Lance might of meant useful because you being a girl so it might be easer for Shrio to know what to get." I say to him putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Thanks Keith, Do you want to come?" Lance said "Yeah come on I'll make sure the won't see you ok?" I said and Lance smiled and nodded. I walk out of the room and check the hallway to see if anyone was in there. "No one in the hallway let's go." I say and we book it down the hallway. And we made it outside to Shrio panting. "What happened to you two?" He asked "Running and a lot of it." Lance said "Ok come on let's go." Shrio said and walk start walking "So what dose Allura need?" Lance ask "Umm I forgot I'll call her." He uses the communicator on his wrist because he nevers takes the suit off. A minute later he came back "Ok so she needs Pads, and I'm other things too." Shrio said. "So she on hers today so our cycles are one week apart." Lance said "Aright maybe we should ask her to come with us." Shrio said
"No! You already know it was only supposed to be Keith who knew I don't need her to know." Lance said walking off "Ok then well I figure out which brand she gets and you go clam Lance down." Shrio I nod and walk off catching up to her.
{Time Skip or this will turn into a 2,000 word chapter}

  Lacy's POV
After getting back to the castle I went to my room took off the dress and put my binder Along with my normal clothes on and walk into the kitchen to see Everyone in there. Everyone smiled and I smiled back and walk to the freezer and take the chocolate ice cream that's still full good no one touched my chocolate. I grabbed a spoon and started eating it. "Keith, what did you want to tell us?" "Huh?" Keith said "Yeah Shrio said you wanted to tell us something." Hunk said Keith frowned and turned to Shrio "Tell them what?" Keith said. Shrimp leaned down to Keith a whispered something into Keith's ear "No he will tell them when he wants." Keith said to him. "Hey, Lance can I have some?" Allura asked "Yeah just get a spoon." I said she went and grabbed a spoon and came back and sat next to me and started  eating
"Lance I think it's time to tell them." Shrimp said. "Tell them what?" I said with ice cream in my mouth. "To tell them your—" "NO!" Me and Keith said at the same time "I told you not to tell them, I don't want them to know Así que se vaya !" I say with tears in my and leaving the room.
Translation- Spanish: SO GO AWAY

Keith's POV
"Good quiznacking job Shrio!" I yell at him "We are a team no one should keep a secret." Shrio said "So you'd breaking Lances promise you made him." I said He was silent. "If you tell them I will throw you  into space." I said I walk out of the room and go to Lance's room. I knock on the door "vete" Lance said from behind the door
Translation - Spanish: Go away

"Lance it's me." I say "Come in" I walk in and walk to him and sit next on his bed. She moves and lays her head on my legs and wraps her arms around me and I hug back. "It's okay Lacy." I play with her hair. "I-it's ok it isn't your Fault." "It isn't your fault either." I say. "Come on, you look like you could sleep." I say and he lets out a little laugh. He gets up and I do too "Don't forget to take your binder off." I say and he nods and go to the bathroom to take it off. She walks out a minute later "Keith?" "Yeah
"Could you stay with me?" I smile and nod a yes he hops in first and then I hop in. Once we get in I kiss the top of his forehead and we fall asleep.

Shrimps POV
"What just happened?" Hunk said "I don't know but we need to find out what Lance is hiding." Pidge whispered to The group that consist of Allura, Hunk, and Coran. The all nodded in response. I walk out of the room and head to my room 'Why can't He,She just tell them? Looks like I'm going to tell the tomorrow at breakfast'
I go lay down and sleep through the whole night.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry for  my spelling errors and here is a picture of fem! Lance anyway until next time bye bye 

*****************I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry for  my spelling errors and here is a picture of fem! Lance anyway until next time bye bye 

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Genderfuild Lance **Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora