"And I'm Dean," Said yet another voice. Dean walked in, a beer and his own sandwich in hand. His green eyes locked on yours, a kind smile quickly spreading on his face. "You're tiny!"

"You're just big," You bit back. Sam sniggered and you earned a smirk from Dean and a nod of approval.

"You got a nice kid here, Bobby," He said.

"I know." Bobby squeezed your hand.

"Hey kid, wanna go play outside?" Sam asked. You furrowed your brows and looked up at Bobby.

"Go ahead," He said. You smiled and took off with Sam hot on your heels.

"So where are your parents?" Sam asked, his stick drawing designs in the dirt. The hot sun beat down on you two, baking the ground and your skin. You took a deep breath and began drawing the petals of your flower.

"They're dead," You said. "Bobby took me in. He's more of a dad then my biological one anyway."

"He's a good guy." Sam nodded. "How old are you?"

"Eleven," You answered. "You?"

"Fourteen. Dean's eighteen."

"Where's your mom?" You asked.


"Oh. Sorry."

"'S okay. I never really knew her." He shrugged sadly. "How'd your parents die?"

"A demon," You said. "He was looking for me but found them instead."


"How'd your mom die?" You asked.

"A demon set her on fire on the ceiling of my nursery."

"Oh... Yikes."


"Sammy!" Dean's voice rang through the junkyard. Sam sighed and got up, you following him. "Sam! Time to go!"

"I gotta run," Sam said. "Thanks for hanging out with me."

"Right back at ya," You said. He gave you a quick hug and jogged over to his brother.

Bobby took a picture of you and Sam when the two of you weren't paying attention. Your arms were around each other, embracing the blossoming friendship with open arms and warmed hearts.


Sam smiled at the memory. He thought you were a neat little kid. You were sarcastic and witty, but kind and gentle at the same time. Every now and again, the Winchesters would roll through town and the brothers became closer to you. He watched you grow, watched as your small crush for his older brother evolved into something much deeper. He had been rooting for you two since you were eighteen.

"I've got something," Bobby said, his voice breaking Sam's train of thought. The brothers glanced at each other and then got up from their seats, striding over to the older man. The peered over his shoulders, their eyes focusing on the page of the book he was reading.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Aamon. He's a hybrid all right," Bobby said. He let out a breath and shook his head. "Shoulda seen it coming."

"Seen what coming?" Sam asked. The boys sat at the table with Bobby, their eyes trained intensely on the man as he began to tell Aamon's story.

"Aamon is one of the oldest demons to ever live. He was in charge of his own legion in hell's 'military'. He's the only hybrid Demon, which means there's got to be some flaws to his making. Basically, Aamon's hybrid side is partially dormant. It's not at full power. However, there's a spell that can be casted to awaken the hybrid side, bringing forth its full potential, inevitably leading to Aamon being one of the most powerful beings out there."

"So, where does Y/N fall into all this?" Sam questioned.

"Well, for the spell to be casted, there are a handful of ingredients needed. For example-" He glanced down at the book- "Sulfur, hellebore, dragon's blood, claw of a Chimera-"

"A Chimera?" Sam's eyes widened. "Like, the greek mythological Chimera?"

"Yes, idjit, now can I read please?" Bobby gruffed. Sam slumped in his chair and let Bobby read. "And extracted Angel's grace from an indirect source."

"An indirect source?" Sam furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, which basically, it says here, can come from anywhere other that directly from an angel."

"I still don't understand where Y/N falls into all this," Dean said. Sam and Bobby looked at each other, understanding suddenly dawning on the green eyes hunter's face when he saw the looks his companions gave each other.

"It's Y/N, isn't it?" Dean choked. He felt as though his chest was tightening, fear and anxiety hitting him like a tidal wave as he suddenly felt the walls closing in on him. "She's got the angel grace? She's the final ingredient?"

Bobby nodded, a sullen weight falling heavy on all the men's shoulders. No wonder Aamon had been so desperate to get to her. She was the final ingredient, the final key to unlocking his true powers.

"But there's something else," Bobby said.

"Jesus." Sam dropped his head into his hands, his heart crashing in his chest with pure fear.

Bobby gulped and took a steadying breath, knowing that what he was about to say would be a game changer. He knew that the brothers would do anything to save Y/N, especially Dean, but with what came with Aamon's spell, Bobby wasn't sure even the Winchesters could stop him.

So gathering up his courage, he licked his lips and looked up at the boys. "Since hybrids are so rare and the spell is so tedious and powerful, unlocking a hybrid's other side, allowing it to come to full power, is one of the potential sixty-six seals that could break Lucifer from Hell. If Aamon is successful, it's not only allowing something incredibly dangerous into the world, but it's allowing the devil himself one step closer to getting topside."

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