The Song That Hurts My Heart Thinking About Her

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I saw a video called Roses I listened to it and then downloaded it on my IPad I listened to it and I was crying even harder I missed her that bad everything I did made me think of her I flopped down on my bed in actual tears the pain was the worst it was like somebody stabbed me in the stomach watching me bleed it hurt really bad I grabbed my binder with loads of lined paper in it and then grabbed my pen writing her a little poem of how I felt when she was gone and she still was and that hurt me even more.

The petals fall when your gone
I step on them and they all crunch
(Crunch crunch crunch)
The TNT in my heart explodes
(Boom Boom Boom)
Well my tears fall for you
(Drop Drop Drop)
Missing you with all the pieces of my heart on the floor not skipping a beat
(Silence silence silence)
When the bullets go through my heart
(Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh)
And those bullets are the pain that I can't heal
(Drop Drop Drop)
As the blood spills on my wounded soul
(Drop Drop drop)
Until you come back I will be smiling
(Laugh laugh laugh)
And those memories of us will always stay with me
(Cries cries cries)
Just know you can break my heart into but when it heals it beats for you
(Ba boom ba boom ba boom)
I miss you Ace and it's not the same without you
(Cries cries cries)
With you it was always a smile or laugh
(Laugh laugh laugh)
But without you things seem useless
(Rip Rip Rip)
So please come back I need to see you again and when you do come back things will be different
(Laughter Laughter Laughter)
Just know one thing Ace before you go to bed at night
(Zzz zzz zzz)
Think of me or dream of me
(Murmur murmur murmur)
Because I always dream of you and think of you
(Murmur murmur murmur)
Because Ace you are the best friend I ever met and I never want to leave your side ever

My tears fell down my face as I wrote this poem for her and I hope she reads it one day and thinks about coming back to me.

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