Chap 3

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The door to the Hokages office slammed open. My father's head shot up to see me,caked with dirt and blood.

"What happened?"

"We found zero sign of Orchimaru. He did however know that we were trying to find him and sent a gaint wave of his so called ' experiments' our way. Long story short,he knows that we got close. He'll move again and quickly."

"I see. I feared this would happen. Now,go get cleaned up,before your mother sees you."

"Yes sir." I muttered,using the Flying Raijin to get home quickly.

I showered and changed into my black shirt and pants,being lazy.

"Hey, Mom."

"I thought I heard you upstairs. How did it go?"

"Not as bad as it could have been. Do you need help with dinner? Cleaning? Shopping?"

"Mika,you do enough to protect this family and this village. Relax. I have everything covered. Naruto is about to get out of school,why do you go get him?"

"Sounds good. He needs to train more anyway. We'll be home for dinner"

With that,I took my time getting to the academy,only to meet with Itachi.

"Waiting for Sasuke?" I questioned from behind him.

"Oh Mika. Yes I am. I take it you're waiting for Naruto?"

"Yup. You guys training today?"

"I would assume Sasuke would want to."

"We should train them together." I suggested.

"That would be interesting."

I took that as a yes before a bell rang and students started to run out. Our brothers saw us and ran over, asking us to train. We laughed as they glared at each other before we all started walking,Itachi and I next to each other with our brothers by our sides. The Uchihas were quiet as Naruto rambled on,holding my hand and me smiling at him.

Our relationships with are brothers were the same. We would both gladly die to keep them safe. Naruto was my world,just like Itachi adored Sasuke to no end,no matter if he didn't really show it. It was a bit different with Naruto though, considering he had Kurama,the Nine tails, sealed in him. Well,what my parents could seal away in him. A small part was in me because the sealing went wrong and I accidentally got in the way and things didn't go according to plan on that. Oh well. I knew people treated us differently because of it,but Naruto just thought it was because if our dad being Hokage.

"Why are they here?" I heard Sasuke ask once we go to an empty training ground.

"Well,Sasuke, Mika and I thought we would train both of you together today."

"No way,I don't need to train with him."

"Yeah,I don't need to either! Come on,sis!"

"Oh,come on,Naru. It will be good practice and competition for you two. Itachi and I do it all the time." I smiled.

"Well,you guys are strong."

"I still don't want to train with that loser." Sasuke muttered.

"If you do this,I'll teach you the fireball justu." I whispered to him.

"Mika." Itachi sighed.

"Fine. I'll make Itachi teach you."


I nodded before Sasuke muttered again but agreed.

With that,we began training, working on target practice and also taijustu.

"I can't hit him!" Naruto whined after getting hit for the tenth time.

"You'll get it,Naru. Here,just watch Itachi and me."

They boys stood off to the side as we took their place. We nodded before running at each other. Itachi and I knew each other so well that we both went easy on each other,giving each other openings to land a hit.

"You just gotta wait for the perfect opening,Naru. Don't rush it,either strike with confidence or block with assurance." I told him,blocking hit after hit before striking at Itachi and hitting him.

We went a bit longer before I let Itachi grab my arm and fling me over his shoulder. Only instead of going to the ground,I flipped and landed on his back,trusting him to hold me up,which he did.

"See,boys? It's easy. You just need practice."

I could see a spark in their eyes as they looked at us.

"You're so cool,sis!"

I laughed,sliding from It's his back.

"Well,we should get home for dinner. I'll see you later,Ita."

He smiled before turning to Sasuke and saying that they too should get home.

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