Chap 1

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The Uchiha turned at the sound of his name. A blur of red ran towards him,making him smile and open his arms. A girl of the age of 14 jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hello,Mika." He chuckled wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm finally back. That mission took longer than I thought it would."

"As long as you're okay."

She smiled nodding as they each other go.

*Mika's POV*

"I was hoping we could go do something."

"Maybe in a bit. I'm training Sasuke today. He should be here any minute now."

"I can wait. I know how important this is to Sasuke." I smiled again.

Itachi opened his mouth to say something else but stopped as he heard footsteps coming close.

"Go away!" The younger Uchiha shouted at someone.

"C'mon we can train together!"

The other voice caused me to giggle as the two got into the training ground.

"Naruto,stop bothering him!" I yelled at my little brother.

"Mika!" He yelled,replaying what I did to Itachi only mintues ago.

I giggled again, spinning with him in my arms. I set him down before leaning down to his level.

"How was school?"

"It was great!"

"Hmp... you're the worst in our class,loser."

"Shut up! I'll show you!I'm gonna be Hokage one day!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke.

"Just because you're dad is Hokage doesn't mean you will be."

"Sasuke,that's enough. It's time for training." Itachi cut in before anything else could be said.

I sighed. Even though Itachi and I were best friends,our brothers were opposite. But we were all different. Itachi didn't underestimate me or anyone else like Sasuke and I didn't blindly jump into things like Naruto. Where the younger two put each other down,Itachi and I helped each other grow.

"I'll see you later,Itachi." I called before grabbing Naruto's hand and walking off.

"I don't know what his problem is. I'm just as good as him."

"You are,you just don't apply yourself like he does. You need to practice more,Naruto. I think if you did,Sasuke would see you as an equal and you two would be great friends."

"You mean like you and Itachi?"


He was quiet for a moment before jumping in front of me.

"Will you train with me?"

"Of course! We start now. First thing,get to training ground 5 in five minutes."

"But that's on the other side of village!"

"A ninja needs good endurance. Come on,five minutes. I'll even keep Pace with you. Go!"

Naruto took off running,me jogging next to him.

"Pacing is key. You'll run out of steam in a minute if you go all out."

He slowed a bit,but with some encouragement the whole way there,he made it in seven minutes."

"Not too bad. You did go. Now,what to do? What's the most trouble for you?"

He was quiet and looked away for a moment.

"Okay,let's start with target practice."

We lost track of time and before I knew it,Naruto couldn't barely hold himself up anymore.

"That's enough,Naru. You did a really good job today." I smiled before allowing him to hop on my back so I could carry him. He was asleep not even a minute later.

On the way home,I ran into Dad,who must have been looking for us.

"Mika,there you are!"

"Sorry,Dad. I was training Naruto. He worked really hard today."

"I see. Your mother was starting to worry. It's getting late."

I nodded before we headed home where I put Naruto to bed after getting scolded by Mom.

"I have a mission for you tomorrow. It's simple but Itachi and Kakashi are going as well."

"I'll be ready to go." I smiled. "I'm gonna go see Itachi now. It might be late."

"Have fun."

Itachi was waiting for me as soon as I opened the door. Our parents were used to us being out later together since usually one of us were on a mission.

"Let's go get something to eat."

"You know me so well." I smiled,linking my arm with him.

We were quiet as we walked. It was normal. A lot of people didn't know how Itachi was friends with me. He was quiet and a little distant from most,yet I was friendly and outgoing to anyone. We just worked together. I mean,I had a huge crush on him and kinda forced him into being my friend because of it at first but that was besides the point.

We finally got to a restaurant that was still opened and ordered. It was quick to arrive and I dug in.

"Dad's got a mission for us tomorrow."

"I'm aware. Hopefully Kakashi won't take too long to show."

"It's Kakashi. He'll be at least two hours late. That's why Dad always tell him an earlier time." I smiled.

We chatted a bit more before I finished up and Itachi walked me back home. He bid me good night and I did the same, kissing his cheek like I'll be doing since we were 12.

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