3- Rehearsals/ Jade

Start from the beginning

Sierra took Jade to the park where they spent the rest of their day. That whole week was just them two. Sierra tried not to think about anything else but Jade, however, she would be lying if she said she didn't find herself up at one am, studying her songs.

When the day for her to leave came, Jade did not want to leave. She refused to get out of bed, that is, until Sierra bribed her with candy for the plane ride, with which she happily got up to eat breakfast with her. They still had an hour before she had to leave, so they cuddled on the couch and watched her favorites Disney movie, the little mermaid.

Jade forced Sierra to sing Part of Your World, aware that she had played Ariel. Sierra happily obliged, doing anything to make her daughter delighted one last time before she wouldn't see her for six months.

Sierra slumped on the couch, completely bored and heart broken. Her only sense of entertainment would be her script, and then rehearsal in an hour. Jade was gone, for six months.

When Sierra got to rehearsal, she was ready to work. Ready to, once again, absorb Christine Daae and make the character as believable as possible.

Rehearsals were simply amazing. The whole cast picked up quickly on choreography and lines, so we were all on target.

Sierra really needed someone to hang out with, since Jade is gone. So after rehearsals, when Sierra was getting ready to leave, Ramin approached her.

"Hey Sie. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

"Ya sure. Where are we gonna go?"

"We could go get dinner than go for a walk in the park."

Sierra smiled, nodding. The duo heads back to the hotel just so they could freshen up. After Sierra changes and fixes her makeup, and Ramin changes his clothes, they're ready to go.

After having dinner at a small restaurant, they go for a walk in the park.

"I took Jade here before she left." Sierra sighs, looking at the familiar yet beautiful sights. "She loved it here."

"I'm sorry she had to leave." Ramin smiles sympathetically at her, squeezing her hand.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She paused, not sure if she wanted to ask. "How are your kids?"

Ramin sighed. "I don't really know. They haven't called in a week. And if I call them, they don't pick up."

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry."

Ramin jolted to a stop, facing Sierra. "You apologize too much."

"I'm-" She stops herself, laughing. "I guess it's kind of true."

"Stop saying sorry for things you know aren't your fault."

They start their walk again. After walking for a while, Sierra gasps. "What?" Ramin asks, confused by the sudden outburst.

"That tree!" She squeals, running over to an oddly shaped one. "This is my favorite tree! I came here when I was in England for Les Mis. Take a picture with me on it." She climbs on top of a twisty branch, hugging the tree. Ramin snaps a couple pictures, laughing at her excited face. "Thank you!"

I have to get that on Instagram as soon as possible.

Sierra jumped down from the tree, feeling a shock of pain go through her legs, stopping at her hip. "Ow." She clutched her side, waiting for the pain to go away. Ramin rushed to her side, letting Sierra use him for support.

"Are you okay Sie?" He sat her down on a bench.

"Ya, just hurt a little bit." The pain had started to dull, so she insisted they continue their walk.

They walked around almost the whole park before heading back to their hotel rooms.

"I had fun tonight, thank you Ramin." Sierra smiles, kissing his cheek.

If he wouldn't make a move on her, she would.

Sierra iced her hip the rest of the night. By 10pm, the pain was completely gone and she was ready for bed.

Sierras body would not let her go to sleep. Her lips tingled as she thought about her lips on his skin. Her heart fluttered as she thought about his beautiful smile.

Why am I acting like this? Ramin is just my friend.

Little did Sierra know, Ramin was thinking the same thing.

His body would not let him go to sleep. His cheek tingled where her lips had been laid. His heart fluttered as he thought about her beautiful smile.

Why am I acting like this? Sierra's just a friend.

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