Chapter 7

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(A/N) Good God! Will you guys please read chapter 1 and 2? Why the hell are you skipping it? Im sorry I blew up but please read chapter 1 and 2 It helps alot)

What the hell?" Coby said. "Now that d*ck is after me."

"Your acting like I control this b*tch when I don't." Welly replied.

"You started it with the f*cking tattoo."

"Leave me alone!"

At that moment, a gust of wind surrounded Welly and forcefully, pushed Coby down. He landed hard on the wood floor, cracking his back and bending his wrist. He looked up at Welly in shock an in horror.

"How did you do that?"

We'll stumbled backwards in fear. Her hands were hurting from a cut she couldn't see. Her stomach had a strange marking on it. Welly was dizzy and felt like she would throw up at any minute.

"How did you do that, Welly?" Coby said again.

"I don't know." She said.

"Good god, Welly, you have a cut on your stomach, and it's bleeding."

Welly never noticed the trail of thick, red blood streaming down her stomach, seeping into her pants. No wonder she felt so dizzy. Coby quickly took off his shirt and applied pressure onto the wound.  Welly helped him, smushing her hand on top of his, applying as much pressure as she could. Janice and a nurse came rushing in and surveyed the scene.

"You called them?" Welly whispered frantically.

"Your f*cking bleeding to death, Welly!" Coby replied. "What else can I do,  point and laugh while you die?"

"But  my tatto-."

It was too late. Janice had turned over Welly's wrist and saw the second tattoo. The word "Eyes was carved into Welly's wrists, creating a sharp pain in her arms. Janice stummbled backwards in shock.

"No." She said. "No, No, No."

"What, Janice?" Welly said. "What the f*ck is happening to me?"

Welly stried with all of her strength to push herself up, but Coby and the nurse forced her down. She ripped their arms off her chest, staggered  forward to the scared,pale faced women.

"What's happening to me, Janice." Welly whispered, softly.

Come with me, Welly." Janice said helping the hurt girl out of her cabin, to the office building. Coby followed behind, leaving the nurse to clean up the blood.

"There are some things in life you shouldn't know, Welly." Janice said, pulling out a necklace and a newspaper.

"Well there's a new movie cliche to add to my list." Welly said sarcastically.

Coby and Janice turned and stared at her.

"Not a good time to joke around, Welly." Coby snapped.

Welly shrugged and watched as Janice pulled out a syringe and a vile. Janice lifted the hem of Welly's shirt to reveal her stomach, slowly leaking blood. She plunged the syringe deep into her flesh and watched as the blood filled it up. Then the most blizzard thing happened. The torn flesh linked together like a chain and repaired the cut. Coby stared in disbelief. While that was going on, Janice was inspecting the blood, waving the half ful vile around like a scientist with chemicals.

"Completely normal." Janice said.

"Isn't that good?" Welly asked.

"Not when the Eye element is within you."

There was that word again from her dream. Eye. What was the Eye element? Why did the guy with purple eyes want it so badly? Janice turned to Welly, her dark brown eyes deep with sadness.

"Welly," She said, in a soft quiet voice. "He has found you, my dear, and he will-" Janice paused, her lips quivering in fear.

"He will what?" said Coby, forgeting the question about who is "he".

"He will have you."

"Who is he?" Welly chimed in

"The Eye, The Eye of Ender."

Janice filled Welly and Coby with all of the information about the scary demon, explaining how he is an Enderman, who lurks in the woods of FreshWater, in search of the Eye element (which Welly unfortunately has). He kills those who look into his eyes by ripping their stomachs apart, spilling as much blood as he possibly could. The Eye even eats the heart when he is not satisfied with the kill he has made

"Welly, you are not safe here." Janice said, her face getting paler with every passing minute

"None of us are."

(A/N) Sorry for the quick update. There were some information that you readers needed to know.)

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