Chapter 3 The chosen one.

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Y/ns pov

After the encounter with blake we met up with the rest of team rwby there was ruby rose yangs little sister who was in way over her head. Then there was weiss schnee who was also in over her head due to the fact that shes a rich brat. Finally there was yang who was also in over her head everyone here was in over there head besides me.

Yang: So y/n about adam and salam.

Y/n: Lemme stop you right there xiao long.

I turn to look at her my ice blue eyes staring daggers into her.

Y/n: This is my fight not yours. I want all of you to find a safe place to hold up until this is over all of you are in over your heads.

Yang: But we can help!

I turn to face yang.

Y/n: No you cant!

Yang falls silent until the old drunk guy speaks up.

???: Look we have this we can help y-

I cut him off by firing a shot right past his face his eyes widen as the bullet cuts some of his hair i then put my revolver back in my pocket.

Y/n: If i werent holding back you would be dead. You all dont get it there to powerful for you.

Yang: Thats why you need our help!

Y/n: Ok then tell me where the fall maiden force is.

The old drunk basted speaks up.

???: Why do you need it?

Y/n: Simple you do not realize but the maiden force is here somewhere and i was the last person cinder saw so either the force is laying dormant waiting for me to tap into it or its still trying to find me.

There eyes widen realizing that i was to become the chosen one.

Ruby: Your the chosen one the one who is ment to harness all 4 maiden forces and kill salam.

I nod slowly as i turn away from them.

Y/n: This is my fight i need all 4 maiden forces and i know that one of you knows where the spring maiden is.

Yang: I-i do.

Y/n: Then we must move but first i need to activate the second part of my soul.

I activate my maiden eyes as they glow ice blue but one of my eyes start to glow a bright orange a bright fire forms in one of my hands as ice forms in the other hand one eye glows blue the other orange.

Y/n: If you really want to help then you will take me to the spring maiden.

Yangs thoughts "Wow and i thought he was hot before now he has 2 maiden forces i need to help him i love him"

Yang: Lets do it.

The other agree and start to walk but i stop i look at my duel ice blades.

Y/n: I dont like the way these look i want the blades to be balanced.

My eyes slowly turn orange as one of the ice blades start to glow orange it then starts to change before there very eyes into a fiery blade.

My eyes slowly turn orange as one of the ice blades start to glow orange it then starts to change before there very eyes into a fiery blade

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Y/n: Much better.

Yang: Woah!

Weiss: The power of both maidens...

Ruby: Thats so coooooool!

I smile at them as i walk ahead of them.

Time skip 5 days later

Y/ns pov

Its been 5 days since i found out that i was the chosen one i have been training my self to the limit i have almost mastered the fire power of the fall maiden. But adams men have been on our tail for a long time we cant stop to rest until today i have had it with them i'm going to take care of them.

White fang member: Over here there he is!

They point to me as i turn to face them there eyes widen when the see that one of my eyes were now permanently orange the other one was an ice blue.

Y/n: you dont wanna do this. 

WF1: Shut up and fight!

He comes running at me trying to slash me with his sword i sigh as my fall maiden eye activates i smile as i grab him by the neck i then breath fire from my mouth onto him turning him to ash after that i turn to the others.

Y/n: Whos next?

The other members come running at me only for me to draw my ice blade i from an ice wall infront of them after that i run around the wall shooting fire balls from my hand i then slash one in half with my ice blade after that i draw my fire blade and form a ring of fire around myself i then uses ice shards and send them flying into there faces blood runs down there faces as they scream in pain.

Y/n: Dont mess with me.

I then summon ice shards and fire balls sending them at the troops but i am then hit back by the one and only adam tarus i stand up looking at him but yang comes to my rescue punch tarus in the face.

I stand up and see 2 armys of white fang fighting i see blake and sun again i growl and create a shock wave to knock both sides back team rwb and the others come and join me in fighting both sides i turn around only for both of my swords to be knocked out of my hands i stand there looking at adam. I then start to form ice around my hands when thats all done it shows 2 ice claws.

 I then start to form ice around my hands when thats all done it shows 2 ice claws

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(a/n: Like this)

I then rush adam slashing him across the face he dodges my second attack only for me to summon ice shards and fire balls at him he goes flying threw a wall i then use my new powers to create a big flamethrower sending it at him. His eyes widen but its to late half of his face is burned off and scared. 

Adam: All of you fall back retreat!

The other white fang members start to retreat i stand there as i walk over to my duel swords and put them back on my back yang runs up to me and hugs me she then kisses my cheek my eyes widen.

Yang: Your amazing.

Y/n: Not really but ok.

We then keep walking to find the spring maiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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