~twenty five~

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"You're what?" Least to say, you were surprised by his statement, seeing how isolated he tended to be. You took a drink of the Earl Grey tea that Claude had provided for you, Alois gently sipping on his Japanese Blossom tea every now and again.

"I said that I'm having a masquerade ball here tonight." Alois repeated, not understanding why you were so shocked, "And I'm throwing it in your honor."

You choked on the tea that you had just swallowed and coughed as it harshly went down your throat. Alois was startled by your outburst, but waited for you to finish your episode before he said anything else. Your coughing died down, and you were able to recover yourself slightly and process what he had just said.

"In my honor? Why?" You asked, feeling a bit nervous about the sudden notice.

"Relax. All I need you to do is dance for a while with the guests and look pretty. That shouldn't be too hard, right?" He said with a smirk. Though, you didn't notice it as you were staring intensely at your hands that laid in your lap.

"I mean, I-I guess, but-"

"Wonderful! I'll have Hannah prepare you for tonight. Hannah!"

Upon hearing his shout, the maid rushed through the door and stood in the middle of the room, preparing herself for her master's command.

"Go and clean up (Y/n) and get her ready for the ball tonight. I expect her done before dusk, or there will be dire consequences. Understood?" He asked harshly, causing you to bite on your tongue. You did hold the belief that servants were serving as a lower authorities, but they were still human. You wondered why Alois seemed so hard on them, but you kept yourself from asking.

"Yes, my master." Hannah said with a bow and turned to you.

"Please, follow me, young lady." She said politely as she began to walk out of the room. You quickly got out of your chair and followed her, wondering why the Earl of Trancy was so determined to have this ball. Once you closed the door behind you, Alois spoke quietly to Claude, who had been standing next to him to whole time.

"Did Phantomhive get my invitation?" Alois asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yes." Claude simply replied. Alois pouted up at him, his arms behind his head as he propped up his feet on his desk.

"Oh Claude," He whined, "The Earl of Phantomhive hasn't declined it, has he?"

Claude smirked and pushed up his glasses with one finger.

"Of course not. In fact, he has committed to coming." Claude announced, causing Alois's mocking pout to fade away as a grin formed on his face.



You struggled to adjust in your dress that Alois had bought for you in town, seeing as it was strapless. Hannah must have sensed your discomfort, as she began helping you adjust the fabric.

"Why is Alois throwing a party tonight?" You asked, hoping to get an answer out of her. You had been keeping your mouth shut, knowing that if Hannah told too much, Alois would surely punish her. You didn't normally push this much, but this was a little ridiculous in your opinion. Everything was seeming to be a little too coincidental, and it didn't settle well with you. As a matter of fact, as dusk approached, you became even more anxious. You could feel your hands becoming clammy with your nervousness, but you received only silence from the maid.

A knock resonated from your door and you answered:

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing Alois standing there with his usual green and purple attire. He eyed you as he walked in, an approving look on his face.

The Queen's Viper (A Black Butler Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon