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"Thank you Aaron. Now you need to meet the rest of my guards. or I should say our guards. "Rest? There's more than just Scott?" he growled. I laughed, "Fifteen more to be exact. I know, I know, I fought them at first too but apparently this is what they were born to do so I, I mean we, have to learn to accept it."

"Fifteen males around my mate all day, everyday!" Aaron growled, pulling me closer to his side. I put my hand on his cheek and he calmed down a little. It seems if a werewolf is angry or upset all the mate of said wolf has to do is touch and talk to them and they will calm down.

you may all come in now

"Calm down, Kujo." Scott laughed. He pulls up his shirt to show the tattoo, "we are not any threat. There is something in the tattoo that only lets us look at Tasha as our alpha and leader, nothing more. Plus, some of us have our own mates," Scott beamed. "Is that what the tattoo means? You were chosen to be a royal guard?′"

"Yes, that's right," Scott answered proudly. "Then Jason as well?" Aaron asked. "Yes I am, " Jason said as he walked into the room with the other guards. "Holy shit!," Aaron exclaimed, "there's a lot of you."

"I told you. sixteen total. Two from each pack," I told him. "Does this mean we will never be alone?" Aaron asked me. "Of course not. We can be alone when ever we want to," I replied, giving each guard a look. "Right."

"Alpha that's not completely true. You need a guard with you at all times." Bryce interjected.

"I do not need a guard with ALL the time. I can take care of myself, besides if my mate is with me, he can be my guard and protector. " I said, looking lovingly at Aaron. "Very true," Aaron agreed. "But- ."

"No buts. Don't make me use the alpha command again, " I warned. "Again? What did you order them to do?" Aaron asked laughing. "I ordered them to go mingle and have fun earlier when we were outside at the party."

"I bet that went over well, " aaron was still laughing. "Why is that funny?" I asked him. "Because a royal guard is always on alert and ready for battle. They dont mingle and have fun," Aaron said, finally getting serious again.

"Well hum. Mine will. They will not waste all their time watching my every move." I told everyone. "Goddess help us, " Scott groaned. "Ha, ha you are all hilarious, " I said hurt, turning to leave the room. "Aw sweetie, its ok. You know we all love you. Now lets go mingle," Aaron said following me. With six guys in front of us and the remainder behind us Aaron and I walked outside.

As soon as my foot hit the grass, I was tackled by two overly excited females. They both started at once. "Congrats Chica, " from Kiree. "Way to go!" from Cinn. Aaron picked me up and started to reach for the girls. Two very loud growls erupted beside us. "Stand down Travis and Bryce. They are okay." I commanded. "Girls hurry and go to your mates."

"Aaron, these two over zealous girls are my two best friends. Kiree and Cinn. As you can see they are mates to Travis and Bryce."

"Sorry girls I thought you were attacking my mate," Aaron apologized.

"It's ok Aaron. We were just so excited when the boys mind linked us and told us you two had met," Kiree said. "Yeah, but they wouldn't let us inside," Cinn pouted. "Sorry little mate. You know I love you and would do anything for you but we were following orders, " Bryce told Cinn rubbing her arm. "It's okay baby. We understand." Cinn purred under Bryce's caress.

"I think that's our cue to go see my parents," Aaron said while pulling me away. As we started walking around several people stopped us and seeing us holding hands, they congratulated us on being mates. By the time we made it to Aaron's parents my cheeks were sore from smiling to much. Dawn spotted Aaron first and gave him a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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