Part 2

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When the van stopped we were knocked out taken to a fucking room, are hands zipped tied in the front. I had a looked around L and E were holding each other while knocked out. So cute, wait we're in an building, with bars, letting moonlight in, also door most likely locked. And everything was rusty there was a hook hanging from the ceiling. God Kate I touch her face. Fuck this moonlight from those bars making her pale face glow beautifully. She opened her eyes the light making her eyes bluer. "X" she looked in my different color eye. I moved my hand "Sorry Kate, just trying to see if you were ok." She threw herself at me grabbing my collar of my hoodie nuzzling in my neck. "You know Kate if my hand weren't bound I'd hug you back" I said. "Umm hope were not inchroding.~" With L's voice she jumped away. MUST KILL L LATER DAMN IT.

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