Prologue: Escaping with a New Life

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the prologue to this story and this is the start of whatever gonna happen if you read the description,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"A Bullhead is arriving back returning White Fang soldiers from a mission and they walk off, they were dismissed and they started doing what they're assigned to, except for one who goes behind some cargo after being traumatized from what just happened, he takes off his mask and the guy is revealed to be (Y/N) (L/N), a Wolf Faunus at the age of 17 became the youngest soldier in the White Fang...........
(Y/N): (My god. What just happened?)
White Fang Captain: "Hey (L/N)."
(Y/N): "Yes sir."
White Fang Captain: "Everything okay?"
(Y/N): "Yes sir."
White Fang Captain: "Okay."
.........he walks off and (Y/N) walks back to his room and he sits down, then he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture of his mom and dad, he lost his parents when he was just born. He was in the White Fang, but what he saw wasn't what he believed. He then decided to leave the White Fang, he walks out and he overhears a conversation between 2 soldiers............
White Fang Soldier 1: "Hey did you hear? We have a huntress captured." *(Y/N) stops walking*
White Fang Soldier 2: "Not any huntress, this is a Schnee."
White Fang Soldier 1: "Oh ha, ha, ha that's even better."
.........his eyes widen, he also realized the White Fang have been stealing dust. And he wasn't going to stand around, he decided he's not the only one escaping.........

Weiss P.O.V

.........Weiss and her team were fighting White Fang Soldiers, but she was overwhelmed where she was captured and she is handcuffed in a chair. She saw the guards looking at her weird and she gets uneasy. Then another soldier walks in and they guards look.........
White Fang Soldier: "She's being moved."
White Fang Guard: "Got it."
........he unlocks the cell and he grabs Weiss by the arm and takes her out, then they walk down the hall and then as they were alone in the hall.........
White Fang Soldier: "Turn right."
........she gets confused and he pushes her in a closet and he closes the door........
Weiss: "What the big ........"
White Fang Soldier: *covers her mouth* *shushing* "Quiet. Listen up, you do what I say and you'll be outta here." *uncovers her mouth*
Weiss: "Hold on. What?"
.........the soldier takes off his mask and hood, she sees him to be her age........
Male Faunus: "I'm busting you outta here."
Weiss: *looks at him surprised* "R....Really?"
Male Faunus: "Yes, I can't live this life. I'm leaving the White Fang and I'm breaking you out, so we can both get outta here."
Weiss: "Wait, if you're leaving the White Fang? Are you a huntsman?"
Male Faunus: "What? No, I'm just getting outta here. Now do what I say, don't raise suspicion and we'll get outta here smoothly. Understand?"
Weiss: *nods* "I got it. What's your name?"
(Y/N): "(Y/N).........(L/N)."
Weiss: "I'm Weiss Schnee, I owe you one for this."

3rd P.O.V

..........(Y/N) and Weiss walks in the hanger as Weiss acts like a prisoner and (Y/N) acting like he's escorting her, then (Y/N) sees a Bullhead ready to go and he looks around and leans to Weiss's ear.........
(Y/N): *whispering* "Just acouple seconds, run to the Bullhead the on your left."
.........they continued walking, then as they were in position and they're close enough.........
(Y/N): "Now."
.........the cuffs come off and they run to the Bullhead and Weiss gets in and sees her weapon. She grabs it and stands guard as she is in the back, then (Y/N) goes in the pilot seat and starts the Bullhead. He takes off and soldiers looked and they get ready for a chase, then as (Y/N) and Weiss are miles away they sigh..........
(Y/N): "We're out."
Weiss: "Yes. Thank you so much (Y/N). Hey, I want to ask what kind of Faunus are you?"
(Y/N): "Wolf Faunus."
Weiss: "That's amazing." he flies off, he looks at a radar and sees two bullheads after him..........
(Y/N): "They're on us."
Weiss: "I got this."
.........she equips her weapon as rockets are fired, then Weiss shoots some ice dust and destroyed the rockets, then she used fire dust and it hits the engine of the bullhead and it crashes. Then as (Y/N) is flying the bullhead; a White Fang soldier in the forest shoots at it and it hits the engine. (Y/N) instantly starts loosing control and Weiss holds on...........
Weiss: "We've been hit."
(Y/N): "I can see that."
..........then (Y/N) sees they about to crash into a mountain and Weiss losses balance and she falls out the bullhead. Then (Y/N) jumps out grabbing her and he holds her tight as suddenly a (F/C) light surrounded them and they disappeared and instantly are on the ground. Then minutes later (Y/N) wakes up and he sees Weiss nowhere and he gets up...........
(Y/N): "Weiss! WEISS!?!?!?"
.........he looks around, then he hears footsteps and he sees White Fang soldiers and he runs. Then as he does, he feels a power in his body making run fast. He even used the teleporting power that he gets away easily, then as he is running he hides in a cave and the soldiers run past him. Then he continued walking until he arrives in a town and he abandons all the White Fang armor. Then he goes to a secret room in an abandoned hotel and he brings out his backpack and changes into his outfit, then he loads his weapon and holsters it..........
(Y/N): "I gotta leave this village before they find me."
.........he walks out, then as he's walking he sees a homeless guy sitting on something and he sees its the jacket that belongs to Weiss........
(Y/N): "Hey, where'd you find that?"
Homeless guy: "Falling from the sky."
(Y/N): "Well, it doesn't belong to you. Hand it over."
Homeless Man: "Come on man, I just got comfortable."
..........(Y/N) gets impatient and he pulls out a blanket and gives it to him, the guy surrenders the jacket. Then (Y/N) takes it and he sees its dirty. Then he goes to a laundry place and he washes it and dries it. Then he folds it perfectly and puts it in his backpack, then he walks out and he looks around, he then puts on a hood and goes for a Hotel...........

(Y/N) P.O.V
Timeskip-Next Day

..........(Y/N) walks around the village heading to the train station, then as he does he hears screaming and he runs to see White Fang soldiers taking hostages. Then as one boy breaks free another grabs him..........
Boy: "Mama. Mama, help me."
..........(Y/N) gets angry and he rushes in and jumps in the air and knees the soldier in the head. Then (Y/N) protects the boy...........
(Y/N): "Go to your mother."
..........he runs to his mother and the soldiers look at him, then one rushes at him and (Y/N) blocks his attack, then another tried and he gets slammed on the ground. Then he knees one in the gut and elbows the back of his neck, then three soldiers starts shooting at him, but (Y/N) brings out his weapon and shoots at them and they fall.........
White Fang Brute: "Hey."
..........(Y/N) looks to see a White Fang Brute.........
White Fang Brute: "You damn traitor."
.........(Y/N) converts his weapon to axe mode, then they rush at each other and collided weapons. Then the brute punched him in the face, then (Y/N) looks at him and he moved faster and did a multiple strike where some kind of aura clones copied his moves, then an aura glow appeared on his foot and he did a spin kick and a aura streak appeared and hit the brutes mask off, (Y/N) looks at him and he charged his aura in his axe and he does a motion where a aura like slash went towards him and it hits him where he falls on the ground injured, then he tries to get up, but (Y/N) moved his axe to his neck..........
(Y/N): "Stay down."
..........he growls, then he passes out. (Y/N) holsters his weapon. Then he sees everyone looking at him, he was worried since he's a Faunus, but then he felt a tug on his jacket and he sees the boy he rescued.........
Boy: "Th.......thank you."
..........he hugs him and (Y/N) is amazed and he hugs back, then everyone cheers for him and everyone started shouting 'Faunus Hero' and 'Faunus Rebel against the White Fang', he is surprisingly no one is calling him down cause of what he is, but he then smiles. Then after acouple of days (Y/N) stayed at the village and he hears a knock at his hotel door, he then opens it to reveal a guy with grey hair...........
(Y/N): "Can I help you?"
????: "Yes, are you (Y/N) (L/N) by any chance?"
(Y/N): "Yes."
Ozpin: "My name is Ozpin, headmaster of..........."
(Y/N): "Beacon Academy, I know."
Ozpin: "Can we talk?"
.........(Y/N) let's him in and Ozpin sits down as (Y/N) sits in another chair..........
(Y/N): "So, what is it you want to talk about?"
Ozpin: "I know you left the White Fang. And it's pretty brave for what you did."
(Y/N): "I couldn't do what they were doing and I decided that it's time to move on."
Ozpin: "And after acouple of days you're a hero, amazing. I'll get to the point, your talent and combat is amazing. And your will to save someone is outstanding. Will you join Beacon Academy?"
........(Y/N)'s eyes widen and he knew that this could be a new start for him and he can leave the White Fang behind him, he smile and he looks at Ozpin.........
(Y/N): "Alright. I'll join."
Ozpin: "Good. Now, let's head to the landing pad. A Bullhead is waiting."
........(Y/N) grabs his bag and he walks with Ozpin to the Bullhead as he now knows he has a new life ahead of him."

To be continued..........

(A/N: Well that's the end of this chapter, if you enjoyed this let me know and I just want to confirm the girls that's in the harem and there won't be anymore so don't request:


These girls are in the harem and with all that said, see y'all next time.)

A Chance at Switching Sides: RWBY x Former White Fang Faunus Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant