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Daniel's POV

I was going to the broadcast

 I arrived at the broadcast location,I parked my car,I then heard someone calling for help from the alley near the building

I went to it and saw a guy getting beaten up

I hid behind the wall peeking,a guy in black was pointing a gun at the other guy

bad guy:Where's the money?!

Victim:I-I don't have it! you got the wrong person!

Bad guy:Stop lying! you're the guy who told me you would give back the money!

Victim:I-I'm really not!

The guy was about to punch the victim,I came infront of the victim and caught his hand

Me(Daniel):Stop bothering the guy

Bad guy:Who the f*ck are you!?

Me:Just a guy

Bad guy:Do you even know who I am?

Me:No dumb*ss how would I know? You have a frickin mask

He took of his masker?!

Me:So,it's you Kai

Kai:How do you know me?

Me:Let's just say...your brother is the reason why

I was wearing a mask so he doesn't know my face brother! you know him?!

I chuckled

I took off my mask


me:Yes,so now...leave this guy alone or else you'll end up like your brother

He ran away

I turned to the victim

Me:Are you okay? you're bleeding

Victim:I-I'm okay...aren't you Kang Daniel?

I nod sister is a big fan,c-can I have your autograph for her?

I nod and gave him my autograph

I finished signing a poster he just bought for his sister

I gave back the marker and poster then I got shot on the arm

Me:Run and call an ambulance and the police

He nodded and did what I said

I turned around and saw Kai

I couldn't do anything...I can't fight back...

Imagine Kai isn't a Kpop Idol

He shot my arm again,then the police came and arrested him

I fell on the floor I was getting dizzy

Before my sight went dark I saw the members

Wanna One:Daniel!

That was the last thing I heard before it all went black

Jihoon's POV

We heard the police and a sound of the ambulance outside so we went down and looked at wat happened,we saw what happened and it was Daniel hyung!

Unexpected Love • Kang Daniel auWhere stories live. Discover now