Going on a show 1

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I was in my lala land when someone shouted

???:Y/N!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!
I fell off the bed and hurted my bum
You:Aish...YAH!!! WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP?!?!
Lisa:It's because-
You:Come here!!!
She then ran out of the room

I stood up and chased her to the living room

Lisa:Jisoo unnie help!!!
She said while running to Jisoo
She points at me
Jisoo:Ah...Y/N stop scaring her,she woke you up because she saw an article

Rose then showed me the article

Girl at Wanna One's dorm at night

You:Aish...I knew it,a reporter was there,luckily didn't see my face
I look over to Lisa
I said doing a peace sign

I then hug her

I then heard my phone ring from my room,I then went to my room and answered the call which is from our Manager

You:Yes manager-nim?
Manager:You'll be going on a show
You:Only me?
Manager:Yes and it's Dangerous Beyond The Blankets
Manager:You'll be going today so pack up and go to the airport

I hanged up and saw my KakaoTalk has a new group

I then went and packed my stuff,I packed my camera,sketch pad,laptop,nintendo etc. in my handbag and my clothes in my suitcase

After packing I took a shower

After shower I got dressed into this:

After shower I got dressed into this:

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After that I put on a cap and a mask

After that I put on a cap and a mask

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Unexpected Love • Kang Daniel auWhere stories live. Discover now