New Group

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A gun shot was heard from outside

Taehyung looked at it and it was...

V:Its Kai!
You look at the monitor and saw Kai and his men
You:We gotta leave,everybody evacuate now
All of you went to the exit route and escaped the training center while going to the car a man in a black suit blocked you,you were getting surrounded.

You were in the middle of the circle they all were wearing black,they all had knives,of courss you too,well gotta be prepared.

Kai:Drop the weapons,hand in hand combat*smirks*

All of them dropped the weapons and so did you the guys were at the car and were worried about you,they dont know that you can do martial arts,you cracked your knuckles and just stand still.

You gestured them to attack,one tried to punch you but you caught his fist and punched him in the stomach and threw him to the tree (poor tree) they started to attack you.

After a while you got tired and exhausted but didnt rest and kept defending yourself,you didnt noticed that one was actually holding a knife,he attacked you and had slid it on your cheek,your cheek was bleeding you were taken a back but it didnt stop you,you took out the sword hanging from your waist

After a while you got tired and exhausted but didnt rest and kept defending yourself,you didnt noticed that one was actually holding a knife,he attacked you and had slid it on your cheek,your cheek was bleeding you were taken a back but it didnt s...

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You get the 2 swords and run to the guy like a ninja (My dream is to be a ninja) and fight with him he can dodge it in time but not fast enough,you stab him in the stomach and pull it out,you put back your swords and go to the car.

Your brother was shook that you stabbed a guy since he hasnt seen you stab someone before only shoot them from a far.

You pull out one of your swords and clean off the blood and polish it.While polishing it you sense someone staring at you,you look up and saw Daniel looking at you.You look at him and he just smiles.

You look at him and he just smiles

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God...that smile makes me melt...
You thought to yourself.

You just smile at him and go back to polishing.


After a while you all arrived at the house your gonna live in with them.

Unexpected Love • Kang Daniel auWhere stories live. Discover now