Not a Chapter

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Hi Guys I changed the name of the story cause i didnt really include the parts of Daniel being a playboy so yeahhhhhhhh thats all sorry for being a comfusing author im so sorry dont worry ill try my best for the next fanfic to be not a confusion Ill try my best 😊

Hi Guys I changed the name of the story cause i didnt really include the parts of Daniel being a playboy so yeahhhhhhhh thats all sorry for being a comfusing author im so sorry dont worry ill try my best for the next fanfic to be not a confusion I...

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This is my new fanfic tell me if I should publish it or not

Edit:I published the secong story without second thought please give lots of love to it

Unexpected Love • Kang Daniel auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora