"Yeah spend the night you know what I mean" He stood up a little. "Your parents know about us having sex."

I laughed, "I sure they know by now but I didn't tell them" Danny sighed. "How do I get them to like me?" he asked. "Well I didn't like you I hated you at first but look at us now" I pointed out.

Danny rolled his eyes, "please you always had a crush on me" he said. "Danny, I couldn't stand remember? we hated each other."

He thought about it. "When did you know for certain that you had a crush on me?" he asked. I smiled thinking about the beach. "When I kissed you in the sand" He kissed me.

"I still don't want to go" he confessed. I rolled my eyes he needed motivation. I smiled, I turned around so I could faced him while on his lap.

"Bet I can changed you mind" I said. "I highly doubt it" he said annoyed. He wrapped his arms around my lower back.

I slid my arms down until I was inside his shirt. I kissed him slowly at first. I slowly pulled away but Danny came up to kiss me back.

I kissed harder trying to move rough all over him. I needed him aroused and I needed it now.

I pushed him back and started unbuttoning his shirt. I had almost forgotten how sexy his was shirtless.

He leaned back up so he could kiss me again. He hands rubbed all under my shirt. I cupped my hands around his neck and moaned into his mouth.

Finally I felt his erection, I kissed him one last time and I pulled away. "Guess your right I can't convince you alright bye" I told him.I got off his lap and Danny jaw dropped.

"Bye!" I said walking towards the door."You did not just tease me" he said.

I smiled. "If you come I can fix your problem downstairs" I said staring at he's boner.

He crossed his arms. I laughed, "Well I guess I'll see you later" I said. "Your going to leave me here like a horny dog" he said.

I shrugged my shoulders. He got up, "Fine" I'll go he said running over to me. "Seriously you promise?" I said.

"Promise" he said then he pulled me into an embraced. I kissed him and said "let's go to your room" He walked behind me.


This was the most stressful shit I've ever done. I never meant any of my girlfriends parents. Trust me, I've dated lots of girls.

I just can't stand rejection and Tina mother already hates me. What else can I do.

Tina grabbed my hand "Your alright?" she asked before kissing my cheek. I nodded, their going to fucking hate me! This was a waste of time. I needed a smoke really bad. I leaned my head against the door.

Tina looked at me, "Seriously all we have to do is cross the street and were there" she said impatiently. My palms were sweating.

"Babe I need a smoke" I told her. She glared at me. "Seriously before you meet my parents are you crazy" she whispered.

"Look, I need to relax" I began to shout. She sighed and point her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, just be yourself" she assured me.

That's the last thing I needed to do. If I was myself they would hate me and Tina would probably be banned to see me. Being myself was defiantly not going to do shit for me.

I took in a deep breathe. "You can do this okay" she walked me across the street. I felt like a dog and her hand was the leech.

She knocked on the door, and my heart started to be fast. I knew right then in there our relationship was about to be over.

Tina mother looked over. She looked me up and down, I dressed casual suit and tie. I'm to cool to say this but nailed it.

Damn, I need to get away from Kim. Nailed it? Seriously.

Me and Tina walked into the living room. "Mom.... Dad... this is Danny" she smiled.

Her father got up and shook my hand. My heart beating faster, I just realized that's the man who arrested me. Shit!

Tina never mention her father was a cop. We sat down at the table. "I'm happy I'm meeting the guy who won me money" he chuckled.

That actually made me less tense. "What?" I tried to say in a very causal way.

Tina explained everything and her mother became more and more angry. "Yeah! my daughter fell in love with a drop out" she shouted.

Tina's father deeply sighed.

I cleared my throat, "I'm actually not a drop out" I said.

"Yeah but your not Jake, If you think for one minute I'm going to let my daughter end up with an agitator.." she said closing her hands into a fist.

"Mom! stop it" Tina yelled.

"Just why! why couldn't you be with Jake" she said.

Tina's father shook his head and I started t become more angry.

"Let's not forget all those times you were sad and depressed which I guessing this fool cause who was their for you? It wasn't him" she said pointing at me.

Why go back to the guy that broke your heart Jake was a good kid, he was handsome, educated, and respectful" she went on.

"Did you sleep with him, Did this mutineer take your virginity" she mumbled.

I slammed my hands against the table. "Yes I did take her virginity but that's not why were together, me and Tina be through so much together more then you'll ever know, Yes I hurt Tina but it didn't affect her I was hurt too, I love your daughter then words can describe but if you think I'm going to leave just because you don't like me you got another thing coming to ya!" I shouted at her.

Tina and her parents stared at me, shock that I actually stood up for myself I guess.

I grabbed Tina hand. "I love her and I will continue to love without your blessing or not, but I was hoping it was't going to have to be this way." I shouted.

I took a deep breath, "Yes your husband did arrest me but It's not what you think it was, and you can ask him that later. I've changed and I'm doing all this for Tina" I finally said.

I sat down and Tina smiled at me. "I was hoping this would be a nice dinner that failed" she said staring at her mother.

"Danny didn't want to be here he knew this was going to happen, and you just proved him right" she frowned.

"I'm sorry Danny come on" she said as she grabbed my hand.

We stood in front of her front door. "I'm sorry about my parents" she said.

"It's okay that's not as bad as I thought it would of been" I confessed. She giggled "Wait till you meet Kim parents" I rolled m eyes, "are they typical snotty rich people" I asked. She nodded.

"Hey, you invited Kiki right?" she asked. I shook my head. "I don't want Logan to be the third wheel text her now"she shouted.

I opened my phone and text Kiki. I can't believe my current girlfriend doesn't freak out about me being friends with my ex.

Tina the best girlfriend I've ever had. I smiled at her.

She backed up. "Why are you staring at me like that" she asked.

I blushed, I think I really fucking blushed!! "Your just good for me" I blurted out.

She smiled and kissed me. "Come on, we have a long day tomorrow" she said walking towards my house.

"Wait are you staying over? or staying over" I asked wiggle my eyebrows.

She just laughed and said, "again?" I nodded "round two round two" I cheered all the way to my house.

She laughed and then said"Your the best thing that happen to me too"then held on to my hands.

My Fake Boyfriend (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now