Chapter 3

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Previously on The Light In His Heart

"Darius....I'm sorry..." Landon blinked back his tears. He sighed, "What do we do about me?..." Landon smirks, "I have an idea...."

Darius' POV

I gave Landon a confused look and when I looked down I saw I was naked, I used my tail to cover some of myself up, "F-First, can we get me some clothes?...." I asked, really embarrassed.

Landon giggles and smiled, "Sure, I'll be back..." He runs out of the cave and I sit there, worried.

I didn't know what to do so I decided to draw on the walls, I wrote a message in a different language on the walls, it read; "Te amo magis quam te novi, Landon." (I love you more than you know, Landon. In Latin)

3 hours later...

I've been sitting here for god knows how long and he still isn't back, I started to cry and thought he might've gotten killed because of what I asked from him...I felt so bad...I sighed and lay down on the ground, my tail still over my stomach and bellow. I looked up at the top of the cave and noticed a mark on the top, it looked like a demon mark but I wasn't so sure and I didn't want to mess with it...

I decide to walk out into the forest, I shiver at the light breeze and rub my arms. I looked around then started walking and stopped dead in my tracks as I heard a yell from not far away. I decide to go check it out, little did I know....that was a bad idea, I turn the corner around a tree and I get pinned down by a strong guy. I start to tremble with fear and have a slight blush on my face, "A-Another one?....."

The man's voice was a little deeper than my own but sweet. I look up at him, his eyes were a very pretty emerald green color. He was wearing a black shirt with a claw mark on it, dark blue jeans, a dark gray jacket, and some black and white shoes. His hair was black but had a light orange fade at the ends. He also had ears and tail like mine but a....white color? It looks like Landon's fur... "Hello? Kid?" I jump at his voice, snapping back to reality.

"Y-Yes, s-s-sir?" I mentally curse at myself for stuttering so much.

He helps me up, "My name is Erin, what's your name?"

I look shy as I stand up and shuffle my feet nervously a bit, "D-Darius......Darius Kotaro...." His eyes widen as I say my last name.

"Kotaro? What was your father's name?" He asks with a very curious tone, his eyed still wide.

I sigh and my ears lower, "I-I don't know Erin...I never met him...well my REAL father anyway...I killed my step-dad for what he did...." He takes a step towards me and embraces me in a tight hug.

I don't know what to do so I copy his motion. I feel comforted by his hug and put my face in the crevice of his neck as I inhale his scent, "So familiar...." I realize I said that aloud and turn red from embarrassment.

He giggles and sniffs my fur, "You seem familiar as well, were you apart of the Speed Killers Pack?" I shrink back at the name and nod.

I feel cold again and shiver, Erin notices and takes off his jacket and puts it around me, "Follow me, Darius..." Reluctantly I decided to follow him.

Landon's POV

I leap over and start running back to the cave with claw marks down the side of my body, bite marks as well. Darn guard dogs... I walk down the familiar pathway and lap up some water from our stream outside of our cave. I go inside, "Darius! I'm back! Where are you?" I didn't realize he left since I was gone for so long.

I started to get really worried and lowered my ears, I sniffed around frantically and started to get really worried. I sniffed the place he sat at the most and see the writing on the wall, "Did Darius write this? It's in Latin..." I shake my head and sigh, darn my memory and not being able to remember the language, Dainon taught it to us. I'm surprised that Darius even remembers it.

I decided to follow his scent and run to where I last find his scent...Alone...I growl as I smell another scent mixed with his. It isn't a good's part of the Death Keep Pack....darnit Darius! He didn't explore as much as I did! I start running to catch up with him, worried as hell.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! A lot of homework! But yay it's the weekend ^^

If you're wondering who Erin is, he is a reference to a very old OC I made a LONG time ago...

I hope you loved the story and if you did Howl and hit that vote button! (Lol) and I'll update either tomorrow or tonight! Bark to ya soon! (Idek xD)

I tried to post a picture of the two but Erin's picture and Darius' picture wouldn't work correctly...and I'm really sorry!

The Light In His Heart ~(Completed)~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora