Chapter 5

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(I'm gonna stop doing the 'Previously' thing since you've already read the last parts lol, DON'T MIND ME!!! XD)

Ein's POV

I walked side by side with Landon to try and find his 'brother' but I think Landon loves him more than that honestly....he acts so worried about him, he misses him when he's only gone to hunt. And he drops hints here and there about liking him, I know he does. I decided to strike up a conversation since we've been so quiet, "Hey, Landon?" He looks over at me.

"Yes? What is it?" We reach the house we needed to get to and decide to go around back.
"Do you love Darius more than a brother?" He turns to me and glares at me, his face a crimson red. I laugh a little then hear a scream. Our heads perk up instantly.

I lower my ears and run around back, I get up to the basement window and what I see tears me up inside. Landon wonders why I look on the verge of tears and when he looks inside he almost looses it. Darius tied up to a chair, bloody cuts all over him. He gets whipped which makes Landon almost leap into the window, I stop him. I shake my head and say we should go, he growls furiously in response and gets ready to yell when something makes us freeze, "I don't recognize you....but I recognize Ein..." I freeze and look behind me, I relax a little and leap on top of Landon to stop him from clawing the persons eyes out.

"Y-Yera...hey dude, wassup?" I ask, a nervous wreck.
Yera gives me a curious look, "Why are ya actin' like that?" He has a bit of an accent to him, I forgot which accent it was. I shook my head and smiled evilly as I get an idea.

"I found this wolf trying to break in to save his friend~" I smirk. Landon growls and tries to kick me off but I bite down on his scruff and he can't move.

Yera smirks and nods at me, "Follow me then~" He takes us both into the house and I tie Landon up. He tries to get out of the ropes but I knock him out and take him to the basement.

Darius' POV

I try to look up as I hear someone walking down the stairs, it's hard for me to see with all the tears and blood in my eyes. Please don't tell me they found Landon...please let him be okay... I thought to myself. I stared wide eyed as I saw them throw white fur down on the ground, "LANDON!!!!" I get whipped on my back for yelling and I cry more as the blood trickles down my back.

Landon was out cold from what I saw as they tied him to a chair, I guess they took extra measures since he was already tied up once, and I couldn't watch as they whipped him. I started to cry more from fear. Erin noticed and smacked me across the face and started to strangle me, I couldn't breathe. I started to make gagging noises, he tightened his grip until I passed out.

Landon was already awake when I woke up, he was about to be like me when someone yelled and stopped him. It was the wolf that carried hom down here, I growled but stopped once he winked at me, "Erin...that's enough...they're almost dead for Christ's sake!" Erin narrows his eyes at the werewolf.

I felt very thankful that he helped us escape, he clawed us out of our ropes and carried us out of the place. I felt so dumb since it was all my fault... I lowered my ears and the wolf spoke up, "Hey Darius?..." I felt shocked that he knew my name.

I still answered though, " do you know my name?" I asked, my voice a little shakey.

"My name is Ein, and I know your name from Landon. He's my BFF as you'd call it. Anyway, I wanted to ask how you felt about Landon...if that's alright?" He seems a bit off but I shrug it off and answer him.

"I love him a lot...I feels like he's more than a brother to me...I care and worry so much about him..even when he's just gone for a second..." I smile and blush a bit.

"W-wait....w-what was that Darius?...." Landon had woken up and didn't tell us, making my face turn more red than a cherry...


So! I'm graduating from Middle School on friday!! Woohoo! Summer is comin' up! I have only five days left, so I may change my schedule from updating every other day to updating every day! It just depends on how lazy I feel lol but seriously, I will try my best to udate every day when school's out. I'm so excited!

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