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Maya's P.O.V

"Alright. Ready?" Mal questioned

We were meeting up with the boys to go to lunch, but as always we were waiting on Evie to get dressed

"Almost...and done!" Evie said popping out of the bathroom in an entire new outfit

"Great" I said smiling and rolling my eyes "Can we go now? I'm starving" I said walking out the door

"Yeah starving" Evie said closing the door behind us "Starving to see your lover" She teased

I flushed a shade of red, and I felt my finger tips start to spark "Shut up" I muttered

The girls giggled as we walked down the hallway towards the courtyard. It was true though. I hadn't seen Carlos in a few days due to how busy everything has been. And I did miss him.

"What I don't get is why you guys just can't say I love you yet" Mal said as we headed down the stairs

"I know right?!" Evie said turning towards Mal

"Hey you and Ben haven't said it yet" I crossed my arms

"Yeah well me and Ben are still figuring things out, you and Carlos have loved each other since we were 5" Mal said smirking at me

"Pfft." I let out air rolling my eyes "Yeah right"

"She's still oblivious to absolutely everything!" Evie shrieked, as we walked onto the grass of the courtyard

"Who's oblivious?" Carlos asked as he came up from behind me, and swung his arm around my shoulders "Hey" He flashed a smile at me

"Hey" I smiled back

"Your girlfriend" Evie snorted


"Evie" I said in a warning tone

"What's she oblivious about?" Carlos questioned leaning towards Evie

"Oh just how much you l-"

I jumped away from Carlos and straight towards Evie slapping my hand over her mouth before she had done too much damage. She licked my hand and I cringed removing it.

"Was that really necessary?" Evie said making a face

"Yes, yes it was" I said putting my hands on my hips

"What just happened?" Jay questioned

"Nothing of your concern" I stuck my tongue out at him

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes and smiled at me

"Hey Jay" A group of girls said as we passed them

"Hey" He responded not really looking at them

I started to make my way back over towards Carlos "Hey Jay" Some more cheerleaders said

"Dude stop torturing them" Carlos scoffed "Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already" He swung his arm back around me

"Ha" He laughed "I'm going solo. So that way, I can dance with all of them" He and Carlos laughed

"Aaahh, your the expert" Carlos tensed up a bit when he realized what he had said

"Mmhm. Expert. Have fun" I patted Carlos' chest, scrunched up my nose, then slipped out of his arm's and backtracked to Evie and Mal

"Oooohh. Buurrnnn" Jay said turning around to give me a high five

"Hey, I'm sowwy" He said giving me puppy dog eyes

"Oh I know. Doesn't mean your off the hook though" I laughed. I was having fun with this

Just as I said that Jane approached us "Mal, hey I need to talk to you about cotillion" She pulled Mal aside while Lonnie came and talked to me and Evie

"Girl talk?" Carlos questioned

"Girl talk" I confirmed nodding my head sadly

"Great. Gotta go!" He quickly leaned over kissed me on the cheek, then took off with Jay

"You guys are so cute it makes me sick" Lonnie said as she approached me 

"Don't worry it make's me sick too" I teased

"So I have a fitting available at three, do you want it?" Evie asked Lonnie

"That would be amazing! Thank you!" She replied

"Perfect I'll see you later then?" Evie asked as she walked off 

"Sooo" I said to Lonnie

"Sooo" She replied

"I was talking to Jay-" I started

"Did he say anything about asking me to cotillion?" She asked hopeful

"No, I'm sorry. He said he's going alone to this one" I said, purposefully leaving out the part where he said he was gonna dance with all the girls

"It's okay" She said kinda sad "What's the likely hood that he would ask me anyway?"

"Hey don't say that!" I argued "Your beautiful, and between you and me" I lowered my voice to a whisper "You can totally kick his ass in sword fighting" I smiled

"Thanks!" She cheered right up. That's what I love about Lonnie, she's not like all these other girls who are obsessed with love, she may like someone but thats not what defines her, and she knows that. "Wanna come watch me try out today?" She asked

"Sure! Just text me the time okay?" I smiled

"Alright talk to you later" She waved and walked to a different part of the courtyard

I turned around as I was now being dragged into more girl talk. Great. Just great.

"I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like!" Jane said briefly, as she was talking to Mal and Evie

Without thinking Mal muttered "Yeah me too" .........."Wait WHAT?!" She shouted alarmed

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged, to be engaged, to be engaged" Jane explained

Well this was news to no one, except me and Mal.

"I knew it" Evie cried, excited by the situation

I turned to look at Mal and she looked like she was about to pass out.

"I didn't" Mal said really fast "So no one told me that my entire life is now planned out in front of me and theres no-"

"Hi Mal" Ben said walking up from behind her

"Hi Ben" Jane and Evie said in sync

I gave them all a weird look but got that Mal wanted some privacy "Alright Benny Boy" I said patting his shoulder "Me, Jane and Evie are going to go look at decorations for cotillion" I said more to the girls than anyone

"Oh yeah" Jane said getting it 

"Yea, we'll just get out of your hair" Evie smiled, as I pushed them away from the couple

I feel really bad for Mal.

. . .


numero dos finished!

im tired.



Maya Heart: Sequel (Descendants 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu