We Fight

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While Naruto returned to the party out back Sasuke had found Kiba getting drunk by the pool side.

“So you think they dated?” He asked the intoxicated dog lover whom just shrugged.

“He would have *hiccupped* told me! But then again there’s allot of s-*hiccup*ecrets about that asswhole!” The teen then burped and stood up. He jumped into the pool without warning, splashing the raven and other passerby’s.

“Agh!” Sasuke grunted over his soaked clothes. 

“Where’s that swim suit bastard?”

The raven jumped at the amused voice until he looked up to see his affection towering over him with that famous grin.

“I-In Sakura’s bag … I think” He stuttered while the older teen helped him up.

After an awkward moment of starring they both left to find Sakura over by Lee. She gave them his swim trunks out of her bag and they headed off to the bathroom.

Naruto had given him a towel from the nearby rack to dry off with before he changed. He then waited outside the door patiently.

Sasuke returned wearing the fitted navy swim trunks with his own symbol on either cheek side. His face flashed a bright pink when he received whistles and clapping from the older teen. 

“Really dobe?”

“Hell yeah! Now you’re ready.” He said as he walked over to the confused raven and picked him up bridal style.

Sasuke clung onto him out of shock and eyed the spontaneous male.

 “P-Put me down!” He panicked and he held on tighter.

 “Nope, remember what I told you?” Naruto hinted while walking towards backdoor and out to the pool area.

Sasuke put two and two together as his eyes widened in horror.

“No, no, no, no!”

While he was saying no, no, no his holder was saying, “Oh yes, yes, yes, yes!”

 He ran up to the pool with the teen in his arms and tossed the boy in, but since the raven’s hold was to strong he was forced into the pool as well.

They were greeted with amused faces and laughter when they surfaced.

Naruto spat out water in a fountain like motion as Sasuke glared at him

“What? I keep my promises.”

 The response he got was countless splashes to the face.

“SPLASH FIGHT!” someone shouted resulting in a whole bunch of people jumping in causing the raven to lose sight of his target.

He felt something tickle his side for sec until he suddenly rose out of the water on Naruto’s shoulders with a feeble shriek.

The blonde laughed at the adorable sound and adjusted the teen on top.

“Ready for this?” He asked with his sun kissed locks plastered on his face.

Sasuke laughed harder than he’d ever done his life.

 “I haven’t been ready for any of this!”

“Good!” Sakura appeared in front them on lee’s shoulders with a giant smile.

“Are you ready for a youthful battle Naruto!” lee announced aloud.

 “Of course I am bushy brow!”

“Nobody calls him that dobe, it’s on!” Sakura defended playfully.

“Well nobody calls him dobe but me!” Sasuke joined in on the defense.

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