Alternate: We Make Up

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“Leave now!” the raven shouted as he shoved the guns barrel against the boy’s chest.

“Shoot…. Me.” He heaved out between intakes of air with the rain still pouring down hard.

“No! W-Why would I do that?” Sasuke took a step back from the teen with a sudden death wish.

“Because I’ve been…. an ass…. I was so scared of losing you when I’d just got you that I freaked out…..I said some things out of fear that I could never be good enough for you…. I know I’m not the brightest…. Just look at me, for god’s sake I could have ringed the fucking doorbell but no. I’m here…. On your balcony in the pouring rain during a god damn thunderstorm.”

Sasuke chortled to himself and shook his head still feeling ill-will towards the teen.

“I know I hurt you and believe me I didn’t mean too!....I’ve been crazy about you since the first grade and that’s never…..going to change. So you can go out of state if that’s your dream…. I’ll be here working in my dad’s shop because that’s my dream.  It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years but with school in the way I could never give it my all…..Hell, I hated school Sasuke… It wasn’t my strong point and I can’t pretend that it is... I never planned on going to college but someone I love has.” The blond rambled with deep breathes in between.

“So that means that even when you leave, even after you’re gone for years, even if you meet someone else up there and even if you forget about me I’m still going to love you regardless…but I can’t change everything that I am.”

Sasuke’s heart had been pounding the whole time the blond confessed. He put the gun on safety and tossed it to the side.

“Dobe I’m not asking you to change nor will I ever…I fell in love with you for you… I didn’t mean to offend you either. You aren’t dumb Naruto. Maybe a bit headstrong but not dumb. You think with your heart and that’s the smartest thing anyone can do. I admire that you want to take on your father’s work and I’m glad you shared it with me. ” He gave a chuckle at the end while wiping away his own tears from his face.

Naruto smiled wearily and took a step forward.


“Wait, you need to know that I turned down that college.”

“Sasuke you don’t hav-”

“No, I am. I want to stay here. Now that I have a reason to stay that is…. Sakura even helped me with transferring to your college. Besides I still have enough time to decide if your worth it or not.” Sasuke smirked and crossed his arms with a quirk of his head to the older teen.

“I repeat anyway. You don’t have to stay…. I can wait for you if you want to come back.” He leaned in to kiss the teen gratefully but was met with the boys hand instead.

 “Just one kiss?” Naruto mumbled against the hand.

“Nope, I’m still trying to forgive you, so for right now you are on probation. No kissing of the lips. ” Sasuke patted the blonde’s mouth to emphasize.

The older male smiled sheepishly and pushed the ravens hand aside before pulling him into the rain, hugging him tightly with a kiss to his forehead instead.

Sasuke shrieked and laughed against his soaked boyfriend. He endured the loving kiss attacks to his face until his loves soaked clothing started to dampen his own besides the rain.

“You’re wet as hell!!”

 Naruto shrugged and continued to attack all parts the younger lad’s neck since he wasn’t allowed to kiss him on the lips.

“You need to go now!” the raven blushed and pushed the taller teen off.

“Alright, alright, but can I take the door this time?”

Sasuke nodded with a chuckle and pulled the blonde out of the rain and down stairs without an incident. At the door way he let him out with a smile that stayed till he got worried.

 “I’ll see you tomorrow though…right?” He asked hesitantly, thinking that maybe the guy was upset.

“Of course. You’ll be seeing me all this summer remember?” Naruto responded with a kiss on the teens on the cheek then a fleeting one to his lips before running off the steps.

Sasuke swooned and cupped his mouth while watching his boyfriend leave. He quickly closed the door and ran up to his room to text the blond right away about that stolen kiss. His mood only picked up more when he got a reply back instantly.

Fate will allow them to enjoy this summer to their hearts content but not the next.

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