We Make Up

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(Warning: There is an Alternate Chapter for those that aren’t comfortable with them ‘doing it’ just yet. Please skip to the next chapter if so XD)

“Leave now!” the raven shouted and shoved the guns barrel against the boy’s chest.

“Shoot…. Me.” He heaved out between intakes of air with the rain still pouring down hard.

“No! W-Why would I do that?” Sasuke took a step back from the teen with a sudden death wish.

“Because I’ve been…. an ass…. I was so scared of losing you when I’d just got you that I freaked out…..I said some things out of fear that I could never be good enough for you…. I know I’m not the brightest…. Just look at me, for god’s sake I could have ringed the fucking doorbell but no. I’m here…. On your balcony in the pouring rain during a god damn thunderstorm.”

Sasuke shook his head still feeling ill-will towards the teen.

“I know I hurt you and believe me I didn’t mean too!....I’ve been crazy about you since the first grade and that’s never…..going to change. So you can go out of state if that’s your dream…. I’ll be here working in my dad’s shop because that’s my dream.  It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years but with school in the way I could never give it my all…..Hell, I hated school Sasuke… It wasn’t my strong point and I can’t pretend that it is... I never planned on going to college but someone I love has.” The blond rambled with deep breathes in between.

“So that means that even when you leave, even after you’re gone for years, even if you meet someone else up there and even if you forget about me I’m still going to love you regardless…but I can’t change everything that I am.”

Sasuke’s heart had been pounding the whole time he confessed. He put the gun on safety and tossed it to the side.

“I’m not and will never ask you to change…I fell in love with you for you… I didn’t mean to offend you either. You aren’t dumb Naruto. Maybe a bit headstrong but not dumb. You think with your heart and that’s the smartest thing anyone can do. I admire that you want to take on your father’s work and I’m glad you shared it with me. ” He gave a chortle at the end while he wiped his own tears from his face.

Naruto smiled wearily and took a step forward.


“Wait, you need to know that I turned down that college.”

“Sasuke you don’t hav-”

“No, I am. I want to stay here. Now that I have a reason to stay that is…. Sakura even helped me with transferring. Besides I still have enough time to decide if your worth it or not.” Sasuke smirked and took a step out into the rain this time, closing the gap.

Naruto grinned and wrapped his arms around the smaller teen. He lifted the ravens chin up and kissed him softly, trailing down towards his neck.

“Even if you didn’t I’d still wait for you.” He whispered against tingling moonlit skin.

“Mmmm, like an obedient dog?” the raven cooed out with a chuckle, quoting him from their argument earlier.

The blonde growled and lifted the cocky teen up, pinning him against the wall opposite the inward doors.

“Whatever the princess wants.” Naruto responded with rasp in his voice. The thunder roared in light of the moment enticing their feelings of prolonged desire.

Sasuke plunged their eager hesitant lips together and drove his slender digits in the soaked spikey mess of blondeness. He pulled him closer beyond limits to deepen the kiss and taste what he’d been missing earlier.

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