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  • Dédié à all my wonderful readers!!!!!

"What do you mean she wasn't there?" William asks, studying Grell through his rectangular glasses. The red reaper fidgets nervously, twirling a strand of his scarlet hair between his fingers.

"I mean she wasn't there William." Grell replies, examining the thin strands with his bright green reaper eyes, "And her name vanished from my death list."

"How peculiar." William mutters, shoving past Grell, his fingers tightly gripping onto his hedge clippers, "But I guess there is nothing we can do about it."

Amber peels her eyelids open, squinting at the light. Wait, light? The face of a young boy enters her vision; his face pale, dark shadows under his one blue eye; the other is concealed by a thick, black eye-patch.

"Are you okay Amber?" Ciel's voice passes through the boy's lips and Amber stares at the young Earl, mesmerized. Ciel frowns, "Amber?"

"I-I can see." Amber whispers and Ciel's eye widens.

"But how?" He inquires. Amber shrugs her eyes darting excitedly around the room, drinking in the sight before her: glittering black tiles, pale blue walls, a bright sky showing through an enormous window. She is in a large bed with brightly coloured blankets surrounding her. Behind Ciel is a tall man with pallid skin, lank black hair and ruby eyes, a pile of black cloth in his arms. He pulls his lips into a thin smile and Amber shivers at the intensity of his gaze; that man is obviously Sebastian, "How Amber?" Amber slews her gaze to Ciel and she pulls her lips into a frown; something seems to be missing.

"I don't know Ciel." She says, racking her mind for a possible clue that will tell her what is missing, "I-I don't. What happened?"

"You were sick." Ciel replies curtly, his blue eye gleaming.

"I was?" Ciel drops his head in a single nod, his dark hair tumbling over his face. From behind him, Sebastian lifts a hand to his mouth, clearing his throat.

"I apologize for interrupting but I do believe we have a funeral to go to My Lord."  Ciel steps away from Amber's bed, smoothing out the non-existent ceases on his sleeve. 

"Of course; how could I forget? Lady Amber, we will be attending your maid's funeral today and Madame Red's will be tomorrow." He turns his back to her and walks over to Sebastian, taking the black fabric, "This is to be your dress." Ciel drapes the dress over a chair; the black cloth gleaming velvet in the sunlight streaming through the window. Without another word, Ciel stalks out of the room with Sebastian at his heels. There is something about Sebastian that unnerves her but Amber just can't seem to place it. And there's this feeling in her chest; an empty, hallow feeling. With a sigh, Amber throws back the covers and swings her feet over the edge of the mattress, shivering when her toes skim the icy tiles. That day  Leona died...something happened that day; something good. Gritting her teeth, she lowers her feet onto the tiles, feeling goose bumps appear as she shudders. But what was it? Taking the dress in her hands, she runs her fingers across the soft material. She can finally see, so why is she not happy?

"Let us commend Leona Welkins  to the mercy of God..." The priest pauses, glancing around the church. Amber stands stiffly beside a sobbing Elizabeth and she tries to hold back the shocked expression that threatens to show on her face; Elizabeth doesn't even know Leona, however, the poor girl is crying like they were best friends. Leona is lying in a coffin made by The Undertaker, surrounded with pale white lilies. Tearing her gaze away from her dead maid, Amber does a quick scan of the church, her eyes landing on a boy huddled near the doors at the back of the building. Something about him is familiar but Amber knows that it is impossible because she has never seen him before; his tall figure, disheveled blonde hair and sad green eyes. His eyes meet hers and they widen before flitting to the floor. 

"Come on." Elizabeth links her arm with Amber's and pulls Amber out of the pew, "They're going to bury the body." Amber nods slowly, watching as the boy pulls out a hat. He puts it on his head and joins the crowd of people exiting the church.  Elizabeth follows her gaze and her grip on Amber tightens, "Is that Ronald?" Elizabeth inquires, squinting at the boy. She shakes her head, her hair flying, "No, wait. Never-mind, he's gone."

Ronald...why does that name sound familiar?

"We therefore commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life." Amber watches as the coffin is lowered into the ground, her thoughts lingering the boy with the green eyes. Ronald...

"Lady Amber, Lady Elizabeth, we will be going now." Sebastian appears between one second and the next, practically materializing from thin air. Elizabeth slides her arm out of Amber's, her eyes glistening with tears. Wiping them away with the back of her hand, she nods before slowly walking away. Sebastian furrows his brows, "Lady Amber?"

"Can you please give me another minute Sebastian?"  Amber asks, watching as Elizabeth falls into Ciel's arms, her tiny form heaving as she cries. Sebastian drops his head in a brief nod before joining the duo. Rubbing her hands together, Amber shivers; the sun is meeting the horizon, the sky darkening to twilight. Taking a second to send Leona her prayers, Amber ducks her head.

Thank you for everything Leona; you saved me from death that day.

Lifting her head, Amber blinks away the tears. Giving one last glance at the grave, she turns and nearly bumps into someone.

"Sorry." She says, raising her hands to the boy's arm. She quickly freezes, recognizing the strange green eyes as the ones belonging to the boy in the church.

"I-It's okay." He stammers, his voice sending jolts of electricity down Amber's spine; she's heard that voice before.

I will always love you Amber. She steps away from the boy, studying him.

"Have we met?" The boy gives his head a quick shake and Amber narrows her eyebrows; there is a little mouse on his shoulder, "Are you sure?" The boy nods and Amber sticks out her hand, "My name is Amber."

"Ronald. Ronald Knox." The boy takes her hand and they shake. His hands are soft and Amber smells the faint, but very familiar scent of ash. Her heart does a little flip as she stares into his eyes. She is already falling for him. The mouse squeaks excitedly and Amber giggles.

"You know what Ronald? I do believe that this is the beginning of a long relationship." He smiles and Amber can feel her knees go weak.

"Is that so Amber?" He says, "Well that is good to know."


How was that? My first COMPLETED story on Wattpad.  Thanks for all your support while I was writing this.



Green Eyes (Ronald Knox) COMPLETEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant