chapter four

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Amber hears a crash and she winces; that man Madame Red brought in is worse than Mey Rin...what's his name again?

"Oh this is terrible! I shall have to kill myself!" The man says loudly, "It is the only way to make up for my mistakes..." Amber sighs with exasperation; this is not the first time the man spoke about suicide.

"Please," Sebastian says with contained irritation, "If you are to do that, take it outside; the blood will stain the floor Grell." Oh, so his name is Grell. Amber mentally scolds herself for forgetting his name.

"Ah, thank you Sebas-Chan! So kind!" Amber giggles at Grell's flamboyant tone and she hears Sebastian sigh.

"Lady Amber." Sebastian says, and Amber can feel eyes on her; not kind eyes like Ronald, or loving eyes like Leona, but curious eyes. Dangerous eyes. She shudders inwardly, her muscles tensing.

"Yes Sebastian?"

"We are to go to the Undertaker to discuss Lady Leona's coffin and...other matters." Amber narrows her eyebrows in confuision.

"Other matters?" She asks, feeling curiousity expand within her. Sebastian grumbles something inaudiable before replying,

"Buisness on the Queen's behalf, remember, my Lord is the Queen's Watchdog."

"You mean Ciel?" Amber inquires.

"Of course." Sebastian says. A cold hand wraps around Amber's shoulder and Amber can feel her blood turn to snow, "Now allow me to escort you to the carraige Lady Amber." Amber drops her head in a single nod, feeling the dangerous eyes study her. Where has Grell gone? Is he still there?

"Please do." Amber says curtly, "Goodbye Mr. Grell." The dangerous eyes turn away and Amber can feel her tense muscles go slack.

"Yes, yes." Grell's voice floats to her ears, his tone deadly; completely different than it was a few moments earlier, "Goodbye Miss. Amber."

Grell frowns, watching as Sebastian leads the blonde girl away. He has to admit it: she is a fragile looking child, almost like a glass doll that will shatter any moment. His frown deepens; and why does the name Leona ring bells? He watches as Sebastian vanishes from sight, resisting the urge to chase after him. He can't do that; he has a cover to keep for his dear William. He did promise to keep an eye on Sebastian...

Wait. Didn't Ronald say that he likes a maid named Leona? Grell furrows his brows in concentration. Or did he say that he didn't like her? Sighing, Grell lifts his hands to massage his temples, feeling a massive headache form.

"And what is the matter with you?" Grell drops his hands, turning to face the lady clad in crimson. Everything about her is red: her short hair, her hat, even her blood-red eyes.

"Women make love so complicated." Grell says after a minite of silence, "But it is a good thing that I love men." Madame Red only scoffs.

"Don't forget." She says, smoothing out the ceases on her dress, "We have buisness tonight." Grell streches his lips into a grin, his pointed teeth gleaming.

"Oh of course my lady." Grell says, flicking a strand of Madame Red's ruby hair, "I just can't wait to paint those innocent women red..." He pauses, pulling his hand away, "With blood..." 

"I wonder what's killing all those women in London." Alan mumbles, running a hand through his dark brown hair. Ronald shrugs, shifting his half-finished reports in his hands.

"I hear that they were literally covered in blood; like someone painted them with it." Eric adds, scratching the cornrow side of his head. He glances over at Ronald's reports, "Did you even finish those?"

"Nope." Ronald replies, grinning. Eric chuckles lightly and Alan cracks a small smile.

"Won't William be angry?" Ronald turns so that his green eyes meet Eric's identical irises.

"Yeah." Ronald replies.

"But that means that you can't go to that party." Ronald glares at Eric.

"I know." His glare softens and Ronald breaks into a wide smile, "But I'll just sneak away then!"

Alan releases a sharp cry and falls to his knees, his hands clawing helplessly at his chest. Eric pales and rushes to the man's side.

"Ronald, get William." Eric orders, his voice demanding. After taking a second to prosess the current situation Ronald nods quickly and bolts for William's office, ignoring the No Running rules. "Where does it hurt?" Eric's voice follows him but Ronald knows that he is with Alan; always by his side until death...Alan's near death. Ronald bursts into William's office, startling him; his papers fly into the air, scattering across the floor.

"Mr. Knox, what is the meaning of this?" William inquires, getting up to retrive the papers. Ronald sucks in a deep breath but it isn't enough for him to get out the whole sentence.

"Alan...Thorns of Death...hurt...Eric said to get you." At the mention of the Thorns of Death William turns a sickly green, then a snow white. Without a moments hesitation, William shoves past Ronald and races down the hallway. Ronald sighs, leaning against the wall. The Thorns of Death is a deadly sickness that can kill reapers in a matter of years. It begins with a pain in the wrists-like thorns piercing the skin- then, the pain would make its way to the heart...Ronald blinks his glassy eyes. No, Alan can't die. He survived the Thorns of Death for so long. Tears spill down Ronald's cheek and he doesn't even try to wipe them away. Alan can't die...

Hate me if you can! Last exam is today...I should be studying so consider yourself lucky that I updated. TWO HOURS OF SCHOOL TODAY!!!!  Honestly, that's the only good thing about exams...

Once I'm home from school, I'll begin the next chapter cuz it's SUMMER VACATION!!!!!

Love you,

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