chapter nine

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Sebastian's  fingers wrap around Amber's shoulder; long, thin and cold. She is aware of Ciel's presence before her and she prays that she doesn't bump into him.

"So," Amber says, drawing out the syllable, "What exactly is the deal with all these murders?"

"Women are being killed in mysterious ways and they are found painted in their own blood." Ciel replies, as Amber can feel him slow his pace so that he is alongside her, "Her Majesty is fearful for the women of London so she has ordered me to investigate."

"I see..." Amber's voice trails off, swallowed by the noisy chatter of the people passing them. She can feel Ciel studying her and she shivers race through her spine; the way he is watching her makes her feel like he is attempting to stare into her soul, "So you do all the investigating?"

"That is right."

"Then what about the inspectors? The police?"  Ciel scoffs silently,

"They do nothing; they are foolish and blind to the truth." Amber drops her head in a nod, her hair tumbling over her face. She impatiently blows the blonde strands out of the way,

"And the truth is..." She trails off, waiting for Ciel to complete the sentence.

"Dangerous." Amber pulls a frown. Dangerous?

"What does that mean?" She inquires and Sebastian's fingers tighten around her shoulder, almost as if warning her not to question the young Earl. An irritated sigh sounds and Ciel quickens her pace, stalking ahead of Amber and Sebastian without replying. She can vaguely hear him muttering something under his breath; something that sounds a lot like the words demon and reaper. Amber furrows her brows. 

"Do not ask My Lord about things you should not know of." Sebastian says in his smooth, silken voice. Amber tilts her head back, turning toward the direction  of his voice,

"And why not?" She says inquisitively, "I am assisting him with his investigati-"

"You are not assisting." Sebastian cuts her off mid-sentence, "My Lord only allowed you to come for he does not wish for you to stay at the estate with those troublesome servants."  Amber's feet come to a halt.

"I-I don't understand..." Sebastian pulls her forward and Amber stumbles over her feet, "You mean, he doesn't want me here?"

"I mean," Sebastian says, "That My Lord would prefer to do this task alone, however, he cannot leave you at the manor for fear that you would get hurt." Amber nods slowly, conflicting feelings battling within her; should she feel offended or grateful? Ciel does not want her to help but he wants to keep her from harm.

A bloodcurdling scream rips through the air and Amber bites back a startled yelp, clutching onto the hem of Sebastian's sleeve.

"There!" Ciel shouts and his feet thud against the ground, getting farther and farther away.

"Come now Lady Amber, we will have to run." Sebastian says before wrapping a hand around Amber's. He breaks into a sprint, half dragging her behind him. The scream fades away but it's echo still rings jarringly in Amber's ears, muting out the sound of their footsteps. After what feels like an eternity of being pulled along, Amber is brought to a stop. She rests her hands on her knees, gasping for breath.

"I-It wasn't me!" A familiar voice stammers and Amber straightens her form. What is Grell doing here? "I-I heard the scream and r-ran over t-to c-check it out."

"Why are covered in blood?" Ciel inquires and a strong metallic scent wafts up Amber's nostrils. She gags and the memory of Leona's death flashes through her mind: the screaming, the sickening crunch, the blood splattering onto her face and dress...and that strange man with the monotone voice. Who was he?

"You can stop with the act Grell." Sebastian says, snapping Amber from her daze, "You don't have to play innocent butler anymore." Amber twists her neck and turns to Sebastian's direction, her face pulled into a confused frown. Grell giggles and Amber is aware of his footsteps getting closer. She squeaks in fear and inches away from the man.

"But I must admit, I did a splendid job!" Grell sings, "Don't you think so my beloved Sebas-Chan?" A sigh tumbles from Sebastian's lips and he releases Amber's hand.

"Why must you kill all these people?" Sebastian inquires, "I am sure that they are not on your To Die list, and your friend William probably isn't aware of this nor would he approve, am I correct?" To Die list? William? Amber rubs her exposed arms as Grell's giggles increase in volume. So he is the killer?

"But they look so lovely painted in red..." Grell whines.

"What is going on here?" Ciel's voice says, his voice just as confused as Amber feels, "Sebastian, I order you to tell me what this is all about!"

"A spoiled child. You can't even understand what you see before you."  Ciel releases a strangled cry and choking hands wrap around Amber's throat.

"M-Madame Red?" Ciel says, his voice dripping disbelief, "B-but w-what is going on? Sebastian!" Sebastian chuckles with grim amusement and when he replies, his words are forever etched in Amber's mind.

"Well, looks like this grim reaper has an assistant."

William sighs, placing his papers onto his desk. Another death just occurred in a London alleyway; another woman died an unscheduled death. Bringing himself to his feet, he reaches for his death scythe and adjusts his glasses. Mr. Sutcliff had failed to bring any information about the deaths and Mr. Knox is goodness knows where doing goodness knows what. Shifting his hedge clippers death scythe in his hands, William shoots one last glance at the papers strewn across his desk; his To Die list. He watches as a new name appears at the top; Angelina Dalles, or better known as Madame Red.

Ronald winces as a scream cuts through London; the scream of a lady. From across the road, he can see three figures darting through the crowd. He wrinkles his nose in disgust when he notices that little pirate-boy Ciel Phantomhive. Behind him is his demon butler dragging along...her. Something isn't right here, they aren't being pursued so why are they running like they are?  Quickening his pace Ronald breaks into a jog, darting past horses and carriages as he bolts across the street. He watches as the trio turn into an abandoned alleyway; one of London's many. Bringing himself to a stop at the mouth of the alley, he hears a familiar laugh.

What is Grell Sutcliff doing here?

Yeah yeah I know. This story is dragging on and on and on and on and on...The due  date is in a week and a half and I need to start the main plot by then. I really need to know what you guys think because I want to do good on this assignment and I worried that it's not good enough...

Summer vacation is finally here and I am officially done grade 9! (Yeah I know! I grew up so fast *sniff*) And I might go to Wonderland on Monday so let's see what amazing ideas will pop into my head while I'm praying to live.

You guys are truly amazing,


Green Eyes (Ronald Knox) COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora