Chapter 3: Lincoln Clay

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Rosebel Pov

I have been trying to see if my mind and that it was just a bad dream so I kept pinching myself, smacking myself and opening & closing my eyes, but nothing worked as I still found myself in the same spot. I even tried calling Maya but the number doesn't exist along with my phone company. At least I still have my music and movies that I download which I found weird as the people who sing these songs and raps aren't even born yet or people who did these movies, so shouldn't my music and movies be gone too. I don't question it as one moment I'm in 2018 Atlanta the next I'm in 1968 New Orleans.

All my family and friends must be worried about plus I have nowhere to stay but I still have my suitcases filled with my stuff. I put my head in my hands in pity as I'm all alone with no one to help me.

A voice interrupts my self-pity as I look up.

Lincoln Pov

I decided to wait for Ellis on a bus bench until he came to pick me up after my call but the only bench near the telephone booth was near a girl wearing strange ass clothing that I never saw before and strange ass stuff near her. Her hair seems different then what I'm used to seeing as it was puffy or in an afro but curly almost to her back. Even know I didn't want to sit next to her, I was tired and justed wanted a smoke to relax before Ellis got here. So sucking up my pride, I walk over to her and tried to talk to her.

"Umm, excuse me" I ask as the girl looked up at me as I stared at her

"Yes" she whispered quietly as I noticed her eye were red as if she been crying as I noticed the tear streaks coming from her eyes

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"Yes" she whispered quietly as I noticed her eye were red as if she been crying as I noticed the tear streaks coming from her eyes

"I was wondering if it okay if I sit next to you" I asked mentally slapping my forehead in my mind for asking her that "I mean... it okay if you don't want me too..."

"No, it okay, go ahead" she responded wiping her tears away, sitting up

I quickly sat down a little away from her. After a few minutes an awkward silence between us, I decided to try and talk to her again even know I sound like an asshole for not asking if she was okay.

" you okay?" I asked not wanting pry if she didn't want to tell 

"," she said sadly "I'm all alone and have no one to turn too plus I have nowhere to stay"

"What about your family" I questioned

"Um...they aren't around" she stated as I realize what she meant 

"OH...shit...I didn't meant...I'm sorry" I apologized as she smiled a little

"It's okay"she responded holding out her hand "Rosebel Valentine"

"I'm Lincoln Clay, nice to meet you" I answered back grabbing her hand as a shock went through my body but not bad almost good as I could tell the same thing happened to her as she looked at me, letting go of my hand

"Anyway, what a young girl like you doing out here on the streets New Orleans" I joked trying to ease the tension

"Young...young girl" she asked getting up as she did a small spin as my eyes instantly went to her lower end

young girl" she asked getting up as she did a small spin as my eyes instantly went to her lower end

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'DAAAMMMNNN' I thought licking my lips 'I didn't know she had all that junk in her trunk' 

"I'm might be young but I'm nowhere near a girl" argued Rosebel "I'm a full woman so get that straight"

"Yes ma'am" I laughed holding my hands in surrender as I noticed other males looking at her with lust too and growled but stopped 

'Why am I growling' I thought quietly 'I'm not jealous, we just met'

As time went on we continued to get to know each other as I decided maybe she should come to stay with us. I know Ellis would be all for it once he got a look at her and her...rear end. The one who I have trouble convincing will probably be Sammy but he wouldn't turn an innocent soul away. I found out we were the same age but me being only a few months older. 

"So, since we have been here, getting to know each other," I whispered as she continued to listen "I was wondering if you want to come stay with know until you get back on your feet"

"Are you sure, I don't want to impose on you or anyone you are living with," said Rosebel "I wouldn't want to be bother"

"No, it okay, trust me I can get my brother on board really quick especially after he sees you, I don't think he wouldn't keep his hands off you" I explained laughing as she hit my arm 

"You do know I'm half Jamaican and Trinidadian, right," she asked "Don't mess with me, you how crazy we be"

"Got that right" I laughed 

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