Chapter 2: New Orleans

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Rosebel Pov

After exiting the elevator I walk towards my car in the parking lot. All of sudden my phone starts to ring, I look at the Caller ID to see my best friend name. I quickly answer it while still walking to my car.

"BITCH" I hear my best friend, Maya yelled jokingly, laughing

"BITCH" I called back, laughing, grabbing my car keys from my bag and turning off the alarm before unlocking it and getting in, locking it in the process 

"ARE YOU READY" yells Maya through the phone as I hooked it up to its holder "YUH READY FI DI BEST VACATION EVER (Meaning: Are You Ready For The Best Vacation Ever)"

"YOU KNOW I AM"  I yelled back starting my car driving out the parking lot"Especially with these idiots I use to call coworkers"

"So you finally quick that bumass job, good for you, sis" stated Maya while I watched the road "You were starting to get some gray hair and wrinkles and your only 22 years old"

"I know, but I'm glad I quit by the is everyone almost ready to go" I ask parking by my building and grabbing my things before heading inside " I just need to change and pack some snacks for the trip, I still can't believe your fiance is letting us use his private jet to go to Jamaica"

"Well believe it, that how much he loves me plus we don't have to worry about packing lightly so packing up much stuff as you can" said Maya "And maybe while we down there, we can find you a man"

"Maya" I scolded already knowing where the conversation was heading

"What?! It true, you need to get out there and live a little, spread those virgin legs and have the ride of your life" explained Maya "Once you get the D in you, you feel like a changed woman"

"Maya, I already told you this I don't need the D, I just need the beach and some alcohol" I stated daydreaming "And I'll be good to go"

"Keep telling yourself that, but sooner or later you are going to wish you had a man by your side" called Maya as I rolled my eyes "Anyways, I'll pick you up when you ready, just call"

"Okay" I responded as I hear the dial tone come on as I pressed the end button

I know my friends just want the best for me but I'm not ready to date again. After my last boyfriend who I was about to give my virginity too, cheated on me not once, not twice but three times! With THREE DIFFERENT WOMEN! How I found out is when he got me a promise ring with my initials inside, but the thing was it wasn't my initials in it, it was someone with the initials A.S and when I told him about he told some excuse that the jeweler gave him the wrong one, so I let it "slide" and waited till he went to sleep to look on his phone. Not only did this n*gga have three women he was talking to plus me but this fool had a whole tinder account that said: "looking for love and ready to mingle". 

So you know what I did. I got up and went to the kitchen grabbing a big ass pot, filling it with cold ice water, walking back into the room and DUMPING THAT WHOLE SHIT ON TOP OF HIM. I was not playing any games with this fool and pulled a knife from my knife stand. I told him to get the fuck out and take all the shit he had here out but then I got a better idea. I threw all his shit right out the window including his games, laptop and any other electronics he had. I even called all the hoes he had been messing with and told them where they can find him. After that day I was so afraid to get my heart broken that  I closed it off to love, so I  wouldn't get hurt again.

I opened my door and walk inside towards my bedroom. I placed my stuff down on the bed and begin to change into more comfortable clothes. 

I start to pack most of my clothes along with shoes, makeup, jewelry and bath essentials. I also grab my electronics such as my laptops, phones, headphones, and chargers had three big suitcases filled with my stuff. I grabbed my tote bag and backpack filled with snacks and walked to the front door. As I was exiting my apartment, I noticed an old woman standing there watching me.

"Is something wrong ma'am? Can I help you with something" I ask 

"I was just wondering if you would like to have your palm read"questioned the old woman grabbing my hand "I see a kind, caring spirit who is willing to help anyone in need, maybe you'll be the one to help a lost soul who lost his way"

"What," I ask confused what she was saying "What lost soul?"

"You will see, my dear" stated the old women "But remember the lost soul you need to help his name is Lincoln Clay"

As soon as she said that, everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I noticed I was a bus bench with all my stuff right next to me. I got up and looked around while many people looked at weirdly and others with lust. I couldn't remember how I got here or what happened.

"Where the heck am I" I questioned myself as a newspaper blew by and stopped in front of my feet

I quickly grab the newspaper and noticed it said New Orleans Tribune but that not what frightened me. It was the fact that the year is 1968. I quickly realized that I wasn't in my time, I'M 50 YEARS IN THE PAST WITH NO WAY OF GETTING BACK! 

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