Chapter 1:1

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"When Queen Josephine approached the extraterrestrial rock, it had crumbled into a fine dust, which then formed the words-"

"Wish for what you want," Olivia interrupted Emily. "Look, Em, you know I know all of this. Is this really necessary?" She asked exasperatedly, bored to death from listening to the history lecture.

Emily gave Olivia a disapproving look, conveying all her feelings without words. "You know it's necessary, princess, because you'll need this information when you sit on the throne. You can't be a fit leader if you don't know your own kingdom's history, especially since it's about your own family."

"Exactly!" Olivia said, her normally pale face tinged red with annoyance. "Josephine is like my great grandma, five times repeated. I've been listening to this story since I was a baby, so I don't need to study it!"

Emily smiled at her with no emotion. "But it isn't a story. This is just the introduction to learning exactly how all of this," she motioned around her vaguely, as if she were encapsulating the whole world with her hands, "came to be. And more importantly, how you should rule it."

The princess rolled her doll-like blue eyes, and said matter-of-factly, "The 5 laws, duh."

"And would you be so kind to explain these 5 laws?" her tutor ordered in the guise of a question.

The reluctant pupil took a deep breath, and continued with bored monotony, "In the wake of the new world, our great founding leader, Queen Josephine, saw it fit to devise some rules to keep her created subjects in check. Her highness declared it so, from that day onwards, her descendants would rule the kingdom, keeping in mind that;

Twins are not allowed in the kingdom, should they be conceived, only the firstborn is fit to stay;

Commoners can't enter the Semicircle of Elite without either express permission from the monarch, or a brand of employment;

Commoners cannot pollute River Fantasia water by utilizing it. Only the Elites are privileged to do so;

All dark creatures will be contained in the Dark Woods;

Should anyone from the first world ever stumble upon Utopia, they shall be removed to the commoner village after destroying their memories." Olivia paused and looked at Emily pointedly, twirling her blonde hair whilst doing so, and said, "See? I can basically take over your job."

Emily smiled victoriously. "And that is a good thing, because you'll be needing this. I'm doing this for you, not for me."

Olivia squinted her eyes sceptically, and said, "Really? Are you? Because right now, you're just telling me what i know already. Why don't you tell me of something i don't know? Like what's kept in the North Tower?"

The petite tutor's green eyes flashed with surprise and fear, which she tried desperately to hide from the watchful princess. "Um, what are you talking about? How would I know what's kept up there?"

Olivia squinted her eyes in confusion. "But don't you go up there all the time? I've seen you myself."

Emily looked around the room nervously, not even bothering to hide her emotions. Her secret had been uncovered.

She finally realized the reason for the increased number of tutoring lessons with the young princess; the number of guards that always seemed to melt away whenever she went to the North Tower. It was a trap.

She sat down, overwhelmed with what she knew was going to come next, trying not to cry and to figure out a way to get out of this mess. She held her head in her hands, trying to comfort herself, a few strands of her dark hair coming out of her pristine bun. The queen would have been listening, of course, to all the lessons. She'd be sent for any minute now.

The door opened with a bang. A very hassled looking Marie walked in, with two guards at her back, and she timidly informed, "The Queen requests Miss Emily Pritchett in her quarters."

The look in said woman's eyes was a sight to behold. In fact, she wasn't even a woman now, just the prey of a lioness, who knew what she was condemned to, but would not stop trying to run away. "No!" she shrieked, surprising Olivia, who thought that her refined teacher would never be capable of making such an animalistic sound. "I can't go! Please, you don't know what she'll do to me..." The same person who had been ordering Olivia around only moments ago, was now on the floor, begging and pleading to no one in particular, in such a pitiable state that even the Grim Reaper might've felt sorry for her.

But the queen's employees had hearts of steel. Marie sighed in annoyance. She motioned for the guards to come forward, and they did, and with unbelievable speed caught hold of the condemned person, carrying her out of the room.

Olivia sat in the room, highly confused, the only proof that whatever had happened was not a farfetched daydream being the screams of her tutor echoing off the walls to her ears.

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